Orange Alert

Dean Karin Ruhlandt's Message of Solidarity and Support to A&S Students

A message to the Arts and Sciences community.

Nov. 18, 2019, by Dean Karin Ruhlandt

Understanding that you have already received many messages from the University, I feel strongly about adding my voice to the outcry against the hateful racist and anti-Semitic incidents that transpired on our campus this past week. These acts are the antithesis of what we stand for in the College of Arts and Sciences. The best of the liberal arts education we provide at Syracuse University seeks to free the mind and cultivate empathetic and ethical engagement with the world and all people. 

Grounded in these principles and my own commitment to providing a safe and generative environment, please know that the faculty and staff of the College are here for you. While we all are standing at the ready to support you, there may be a few natural places to start if you'd like help processing or want to share your concerns. These include trusted professors, staff within our Academic and Career Advising Office, and the College's associate dean of diversity, equity and inclusion, Professor Kishi Ducre,

Please don't hesitate to seek and accept the support of A&S faculty and staff. While it's true that we may not have every answer, you will find in each of us a fellow human who is hurt by this hate and moved to help in whatever way we can.

In solidarity,

Dean Karin Ruhlandt


Karin Ruhlandt Distinguished Professor Emerita

Media Contact

Diana Napolitano