(July 1, 2014)
Syracuse University Honors Physicist Paul Souder With Daylong Symposium July 13Program features remarks by top particle physicists, astrophysicists
(Feb. 6, 2014)
SU physicist’s work with quarks may resolve unanswered questions about universePaul Souder gives new meaning to Standard Model of particle physics
(Jan. 6, 2014)
SU announces registration for international physics conferenceLakeside town of Skaneateles to play host to weeklong program
(July 1, 2014)
Skaneateles to Host International Physics Conference July 14-19UVA's Gordon Cates delivers free lecture on research ‘spin-offs,’ Monday, July 14, at 7:30 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church
(April 2, 2014)
SU chemists’ work with small peptide chains may revolutionize study of modern-day enzymes, neurological diseasesIvan Korendovych's research is subject of major article in 'Nature Chemistry' magazine
(Oct. 13, 2014)
MIT Professor to Discuss ‘Identity Thesis for Language and Music’ Oct. 14 at SyracuseDavid Pesetsky will examine linguistic relationship between words, pitches
(Feb. 10, 2014)
SU Physicist’s Proposal Receives $2.25 Million in FundingBritton Plourde to lead team of researchers in ARO-funded project
(March 21, 2014)
‘International Masterclass’ in physics rescheduled for March 28 at SUParticipants to study "real data events" from the world's largest particle accelerator
(Nov. 7, 2014)
Syracuse Alumnus Receives National Physics PrizePierre Ramond G’69 awarded Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics