Combinatorics Research Group

Research group calendars can be found at
Group Members

Jack Graver
Phone: 315.443.1576
Professor Emeritus

Mark Watkins
Professor Emeritus
Phone: 315.443.2037
Graduate Students

Hannah Kimbrell
Graduate Student
Phone: 315.443.7084
Recent Publications
- The Combinatorial Structure of Graphene, a chapter in Handbook of Graphene: Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (Jack E. Graver, Elizabeth J. Hartung)
- Lobe, Edge, and Arc Transitivity of Graphs of Connectivity 1 (Jack E. Graver, Mark E. Watkins)
- Infinite graphical Frobenius representations (Mark E. Watkins)
- The Clar and Fries structures of a fullerene I (Jack E. Graver, Elizabeth J. Hartung)
- Similarity and a duality for fullerenes (Jennifer J. Edmond, Jack E. Graver)
- Fullerene patches II (Jack Graver, Christina Graves, Stephen Graves)
- Self-dual spherical grids (Jack E. Graves, Elizabeth J. Hartung)
- Kekuléan benzenoids (Jack E. Graver, Elizabeth J. Hartung)
- Clar and Fries numbers for benzenoids (Jack E. Graver, Elizabeth J. Hartung, Ahmed Y. Souid)
- Infinite motion and 2-distinguishability of graphs and groups (Wilfried Imrich, Simon M. Smith, Thomas W. Tucker, Mark E. Watkins)