Japanese Language

Japanese Program
The study of Japanese at Syracuse University provides basic competence in speaking, reading, and writing. Four 4-credit courses and additional two 3-credit courses are offered through Intermediate level. Supplementary 1-credit conversation courses are also offered at three different levels.
Study Abroad
To become more fluent in Japanese and to gain additional insight into the Japanese culture and its people, students are encouraged to study abroad. For further information, contact the SU Abroad Program in Japan.
Japanese Placement Exam
If you have studied Japanese either formally or informally, lived in Japan, or grown up in a Japanese-speaking household, you must take a placement exam before being allowed to register for any Japanese grammar course. For more information, contact Tomoko Walter prior to the beginning of the semester. You must present your student ID to take all language placement tests.
Japanese Minor
The Japanese Studies Minor in the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics is the hub of Japanese Studies at Syracuse. It draws together the wide range of Japan-related courses available on campus into one centralized curriculum, and offers an interdisciplinary pathway for studying Japanese language, literature, film, politics, and cultural history. Students minoring in Japanese Studies will graduate with language proficiency in modern Japanese, familiarity with the Japanese humanities, and advanced analytical skills.
Sample Requirements
The Japanese Studies Minor is an 18-credit curriculum. The following language courses are required for all minors:
- JPS 202: Japanese IV (offered spring semesters) (4 credits)
- JPS 301: Japanese V (offered fall semesters) (3 credits)
- JPS 302: Japanese VI (offered spring semesters) (3 credits)
In addition to the language courses listed above, Japanese Studies minors are required to take three of the following elective courses. Additional courses may be taken with the approval of the minor coordinator.
- LIT 204: Popular Culture in Modern Japan (alternating spring semesters) (3 credits)
- LIT 205: Tokyo Today in Literature and Film (fall semesters) (3 credits)
- LIT 300: Japanese Literature Before 1600 (alternating fall semesters) (3 credits)
- LIT 303: Culture and Crisis in Contemporary Japan (spring semesters) (3 credits)
- LIT 304: Modern Japanese Literature and Film (alternating fall semesters) (3 credits)
- PSC 300: Political Economy of Japan (offered irregularly) (3 credits)
- HST 395: Modern Japan (offered yearly) (3 credits)
- HST 300: Japan before Tokugawa (offered irregularly) (3 credits)
Students are also encouraged to explore study abroad options in Japan that are offered through SU Abroad.

Tomoko Walter
Japanese Instructor and Japanese Language Coordinator
Email: tmwalter@syr.edu

Kaori LaClair
Part-Time Instructor, Japanese
Email: klaclair@syr.edu
Japanese Resources
The Japan FAQ: Know Before You Go: A major information portal for anyone visiting or relocating to Japan.
Keiko Schneider's Bookmarks: One stop site for those who study and teach Japanese and Japan.
Jim Breen's Japanese Home Page: Links to a large number of Japan-related sites, information on a variety of cultural topics (art, etc.)