Orange Alert

M.S. Students Present Research

Posted on: May 7, 2018

The M.S. in Forensic Science, Advanced track students presented their research they have been working on throughout the year:
Valerie Cheung: Examining the validity, reproducibility and sensitivity of the GC‐MS quantification of 11‐nor‐9‐carboxy‐𝚫𝟗‐tetrahydrocannabinol in urine
Taylor Cahalan: The Effects of Cleaning Products on the Detection of Hemoglobin in Human and Bovine Blood using Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy
Michael Maloney: Preprocessing: The Missing Link for Machine Learning in Latent Print Analysis
Karla Chun: Comparison of the Physical Properties of Synthetic Blood Substitutes to Human Blood
A great Job done by all!!