Rachael Fossaceca

Degree Year: 2011
"I have been employed as a Crime Scene Technician at the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office (Crime Lab accredited by the ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board) since 2012. I have processed over 500 crime scenes and have testified in both State and Federal courts. I received a M.S. through the Forensic and National Security Sciences Institute at Syracuse University the very first year it was implemented. The FNSSI provided me with a strong foundation of knowledge that has continued to assist me with successfully performing the essential duties of a CST. What I enjoyed most about the program is the amount of ‘hands-on’ courses ranging from examining human bones to creating different bloodstain patterns in the lab! The program also aided in the participation in forensic science-oriented internships- my favorite involving Bloodstain Pattern Analysis & Interpretation, which is an experience I will never forget. Additionally, I serve as an advisory board member for Keiser University’s Forensic Science Program. I am also a proud member of the Manatee County Search and Rescue Team, which involves utilizing highly trained dogs to locate missing persons as well as human remains detection (also incorporates disaster aid, emergency medicine, marine rescue, and promotion of missing child programs)."