CJ Cavazos

Degree Year: 2011
I am a certified latent print examiner at the North Carolina State Crime Lab. I receive evidence from law enforcement agencies from all across North Carolina and process the evidence to develop, examine, compare, and identify latent fingerprints and palmprints. I use the State Automated Fingerprint Identification System (SAFIS) to search and identify unknown latent prints. I will also respond to crime scenes if assistance is requested from a local law enforcement agency. I really enjoyed my time at Syracuse and in the FNSSI. My favorite part was that the instructors passed on knowledge that could be directly applied to real-life scenarios and helped ready me for a career in forensic science. The class sizes were small and that led to opportunities for in-depth discussion and direct feedback. After graduation, when I was preparing for an interview for my current job, I was able to reach out to my former instructor and ask for some advice on what to expect. My time in the FNSSI helped create those relationships and get me to where I am today.