Dylan Hoffman

Dylan Hoffman
M.F.A. Student and Creative Writing Fellow (ENG), TA (WRT)
Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Email: dahoffm@syr.edu
Office: 315.443.2173
Dylan Hoffman is a writer, director, and translator based in Syracuse, New York. In his work, he seeks to discover novel combinations of text, image, and character that illuminate the sublimity and absurdity of everyday life. His directing credits include The End of the World (Brandeis University, Massachusetts) and Unstuck (The Tank, New York). He has assistant directed show for Trinacria Theater Company (Sicily, Italy) and the American Repertory Theater (Cambridge, MA). In 2020, he translated a new adaptation of The Oresteia for the Sardegna Teatro (Cagliari, Italy). He is a 2020 Fulbright Italy English Teaching Assistant grant recipient. He is currently pursuing an MFA in creative writing from Syracuse University.