Undergraduate Advising

Orange Alert

Undergraduate Advising

All incoming freshman are permitted direct access to declare the CSD major. Current SU students and transfer students who have an interest in the CSD major should seek to declare the major as early as possible. To declare the B.S. major in CSD, students must submit a major declaration e-form in myslice. All declared CSD majors will be assigned a CSD major advisor. All students must earn a B- or better in CSD 212 to continue to major in CSD.

Students interested in the 4+1 B.S./M.S. program in Speech Pathology should contact the CSD Department Undergraduate Director, Dr. Jamie Desjardins at jldesjar@syr.edu as early as possible (ideally during the first or second semester of their freshman year). The sequencing constraints of the 4+1 program requires very early planning.

If you do not have a CSD faculty advisor and you need advice about majoring or minoring in CSD, contact the CSD Department Undergraduate Director, Dr. Jamie Desjardins at jldesjar@syr.edu.

Lifting Your Advising Hold for Registration

CSD majors should schedule and attend an academic advising meeting in the fall semester of each year that they are declared as a CSD major. After their advising meeting, the hold on the students’ registration will be removed. The CSD department will not put any holds on a student’s spring registration. Students who are interested in pursuing the 4+1 program are strongly encouraged to meet with their CSD advisor for academic advising every semester.

Career Advising

Students interested in a graduate degree in CSD should obtain advice on selecting and applying to graduate schools no later than the end of their junior year. Your CSD advisor can give you advice on different schools, letters of recommendation, the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), and the graduate school application process. In addition, the CSD department will hold an informational seminar for CSD majors during the fall semester of their senior year. Information will be presented on how to navigate the CSDCAS common application as well as details pertaining to the CSD graduate school application process.