Minor in Religion
If minoring in Religion works best for you, it is also quite simple to do, and can be done at almost any point in your academic career, even though, like majoring, it is most beneficial if you declare early. In order to minor in Religion, you only need to take 18 credits, 12 of which must be in upper-division courses. Our introductory and upper-division courses focus on traditions, society, inquiry, and literature. They explore:
- Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, indigenous religions, and religions of the ancient Middle East and Mediterranean worlds.
- Courses such as Religion and Sport, #blacklivesmatter and Religion, Morality and Community, Christianity and Sexuality, Stem Cells and Society, and Goddesses, Women and Power in Hinduism examine the many ways in which religion functions in society.
- Philosophical inquiry focuses other course offerings such as: What is Belief?; Ecstasy, Transgression, Religion; Religion, Meaning and Knowledge; Psychology, Spirituality, Love and Ethics; Queerly Religious; God in Political Theory; and Religion, Art and Aesthetics.
- The study of religion and literature rounds out our rich interdisciplinary offerings with courses such as Religion, Literature, Film, The Bible in History, Culture and Religion, Great Jewish Writers, Travel Narratives and Pilgrimages, and Enchanting Words: Muslim Poets, Singers, and Storytellers.

Biko MandelaGray
Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies