The Department of Art & Music Histories has graduated large numbers of students whose impressive achievements and activities are recorded on our alumni web page. Consulting the page is good way to keep track of the current whereabouts, occupations, and interests of your former classmates. A few current stories about our alums are directly below, as well as links to complete lists of alumni organized by decade.

Director of the Center for Renaissance Studies
Newberry Library
"The Syracuse M.A. in Italian Renaissance Art in Florence instilled me with a passion for archival research that has inspired years of research. Training in the social history of art, conservation studies, museum studies, and paleography prepared me for a varied career as an interdisciplinary art historian, while the process of writing and presenting the symposium paper provided essential skills for lecturing and for teaching."

Claire Zehnith '22 Lands Internship at the Guggenheim Museum
Claire Zehnith (Art History BA, '22) lands an internship at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum's Marketing department.

Music History and Cultures Alum Haley Knapp Completes Master's Program at Johns Hopkins
Haley Knapp (Music History & Cultures BA, ’18) completes MA in Film and Media at Johns Hopkins.

Fine Arts Alum Natalie Bono Joins Goldring Program
Natalie Bono (Fine Arts BA, ’21) joins the Goldring Arts Journalism and Communications Master’s Program in Newhouse

Art History Alum Jeff Speck Wins Seaside Prize
Jeff Speck (Florence Program MA, ’88) has won the prestigious Seaside Prize