Today’s “Inspiring Alum” is Dr. Monica Anke Hahn (MA '95), one of our department alumnae who teaches art history at the Community College of Philadelphia and Temple University. Dr. Hahn is currently on a sabbatical researching and working on her book manuscript titled Harlequins of Empire: Staging Native Identity circa 1776. She's looking forward to the archives opening again soon so she can take up her residencies at the Houghton Library, the Lewis Walpole Library, and the Library of Congress. Her essay, “Pantomime Indian: Performing the Encounter in Robert Sayer’s Harlequin Cherokee” will appear in the January 2021 issue of the William and Mary Quarterly. Dr. Hahn’s master’s thesis at SU was titled, “Nathan Negus, painter (1801-1825): An ornament to the American name,” and focused on Negus, who, together with his brother Joseph, were itinerant artists from Massachusetts.