Emily Francisco
Congratulations to art history alum Emily Francisco (M.A. '17) who has been admitted to the PhD program at the University of Delaware. We are so proud of this latest feather in Emily's already-full cap.
Sally Tucker
We are delighted to share the news that next fall Florence MA Program alum Sally Tucker, class of 2013-14, will begin the PhD program in Italian Studies at UC Berkeley. Congratulations, Sally!
Giselle Hobbs
Congratulations to Florence MA Program alum Giselle Hobbs (‘20), who will begin Cornell University’s MFA program in the fall! At Cornell, Giselle will explore intersections between anatomy, botany, bioengineering, and bio-art, an interest that is an outgrowth of the research she presented at last December’s symposium on Casserius’s engravings (c. 1600) of the gravid female body. In bocca al lupo, Giselle!
Tammy Hong
Congratulations to art history alum Tammy Hong (B.A. '18) for being admitted to the prestigious Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation (WUDPAC), a graduate-level program jointly sponsored by the University of Delaware and Winterthur Museum. It is a three-year course leading to a Master of Science in Art Conservation. The curriculum is designed to educate and train conservation professionals to carry out the examination, analysis, stabilization and treatment of art and artifacts, speak to general principles of collection care, and have a broad academic background in science and the humanities.