Congratulations to AMH art history alum Jane Evans Celeste (M.A. 2012) who received her PhD degree in art history from Rice University this past May. She also received a Travel Award from the Historians of British Art to present a research paper "Farnley Hall and Fairfaxiana: Collecting History, Displaying Politics" at the ASECS conference 2020 (rescheduled for 2021). Here’s what Jane shared with us recently: “My dissertation, “Perspectives on History and Heritage: J.M.W. Turner’s Estate Views,” considered Turner’s early commissions for country house views as a discrete subject. These paintings invite us to reconsider the ways that country houses, artists, and patrons participated in the complex processes by which ideas of history and heritage were created, preserved, and disseminated in late 18th and early 19th-century Britain. During my time at Rice, I’ve held multiple fellowships at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, including one year assisting Gary Tinterow and Henri Loyrette on the 230-object retrospective, Degas: A New Vision. This fall, I have the opportunity to continue my interest in digital humanities, as I help students create online blogs, exhibitions, and podcasts in my courses on Art and War at Rice and Image and Text at the University of Houston-Clear Lake.” Way to go Jane! AMH wishes you all the best for a promising future.