Please join the Department of Art & Music Histories at Syracuse University for our Annual Art History Graduate Symposium on Friday, May 21, 2021, 2pm-5pm (EST).
2:00-3:30 PM
Mary Bedell, Building Medieval Memory: Architectural Marginalia in the Chambord Missal
Tyler Marie Valera, Edward W. Redfield: Landscape Painting, Water, and Environmentalism in the Delaware River Valley
Samuel Veremchuk, The Radio Style: David Burliuk, New York, and his Radio-Epoch
3:30-3:45 PM
3:45-5:00 PM
Tiffany Miller, Revisiting the Renaissance and the Baroque in Rico Lebrun's Crucifixion Triptych
Kathryn Hill, From Picture Plane to the Clay Body: Helen Frankenthaler’s Exploration in Ceramics
The Symposium will be streamed via Zoom and will be recorded for future viewing. To register go to https://syracuseuniversity.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwkd-uhqz8oG9SIKDLJqocAeiV_V2BtvK_-. For questions or more information, please contact Barbara Bartlett: bgbartle@syr.edu.