Thursday, February 21
5:30–7:30 p.m., Maxwell Auditorium
Reception follows lecture.
This Syracuse Symposium keynote address is a call to action: NO CAGES! JAULAS NO. Licona discusses her multi-modal interventionist art project, addresses long histories of forced separation, and contextualizes cruelties being enacted on migrant and refugee children and their families at the US/MEXICO border. Computer Aided Realtime Translation (CART) provided. Contact humcenter@syr.edu by Feb. 13 to request other accessibility accommodations.
RELATE: A Workshop on Engaged Scholarship
Friday, February 22
10–11:30 a.m., 304 Tolley Humanities Building
Using a shared dialogue format, participants will examine action-oriented, interdisciplinary approaches to community building and engagement through a relational, borderlands framework. RSVP by Feb. 13 to humcenter@syr.edu and include any accessibility requests.
Learn more about each event at our website: http://humcenter.syr.edu
Click here to download the Syracuse Symposium PDF
Presented by the Syracuse University Humanities Center with additional supporters:
Art and Music Histories * Communication and Rhetorical Studies * Cultural Foundations of Education * Latino-Latin American Studies * Lender Center for Social Justice * Office of Multicultural Affairs * Women's and Gender Studies * Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition *