Music History and Cultures major Haley Knapp was busier than a bee this summer! She completed a month-long internship in NYC with the non-profit Folk Arts Rajasthan (FAR), whose efforts focus on eradicating illiteracy, fostering community development and celebrating cultural understanding through education and music preservation. FAR works with the Merasi, a marginalized community of northwestern Rajasthan (India) who carry a unique musical legacy more than 800 years old. While working with FAR, Haley helped organize the endless intricacies of various media into an archiving system for the organization’s Musical Narrative Project.
After Haley’s time in the Big Apple, she found herself in Maine as an Assistant Stage Manager with the Bowdoin International Music Festival for her second summer season. With 100 performances scheduled during the festival’s six-week run, Haley was instrumental in running the festival’s brand new Livestream system for their #FestivaLive promotion. And that's not all! Haley is also minoring in Anthropology, Music Industry, and South Asian Studies. And in between classes, she is a work study student in our department and an R.A. holding the fort in her dorm! Congrats to Haley!