Religion Courses Fall 2023

Orange Alert

Religion Courses Fall 2023

Fall 2023
Linked course titles have extended descriptions. Syllabi provided where available.
Course Title Day Time Instructor Room Syllabus Description
REL 100 M001 ST: Race, Religion, & Social Justice TTh 9:30-10:50 Dr. Biko Gray
REL 100 M200 ST: God Sex Death MW* 11:40-12:35 Dr. William Robert
REL 101 Religions of the World MW* 10:35-11:30 Dr. Joanne Waghorne
REL/JSP 114 The Bible in History, Culture, Religion TTh 3:30-4:50 Dr. James Watts
REL/JSP/LIT 131 Great Jewish Writers TTh 11:00-12:20 Dr. Ken Frieden
REL/JSP 135 Judaism MW 3:45-5:05 Mitchell Moreau
REL/MES/SAS 165 Discovering Islam Online Asynch Online Asynch Dr. Tazim Kassam
REL/SAS 185 Hinduism TTh 9:30-10:50 Dr. Arun Brahmbhatt
REL 191 Religion, Meaning, Knowledge TTh 3:30-4:50 Dr. Marcia Robinson
REL 200 M001 ST: Anti-Judaism/Anti-Semitism TTh 2:00-3:20 Dr. Zachary Braiterman
REL 200 M002 ST: Atheism & Agnosticism MW 5:15-6:35 Dr. Gareth Fisher
REL 200 M004 ST: Indigenous Food Cosmologies MW 2:15-3:35 Dr. Mariaelena Huambachano
REL 242 Religious Issues in American Life TTh 2:00-3:20 Dr. Biko Gray
REL/NAT 244/ANT 273 Indigenous Religions TTh 8:00-9:20 Dr. Philip Arnold
REL 294 Mythologies MW 12:45-2:05 Dr. Joanne Waghorne
REL 320 Myths and Cults TTh 9:30-10:50 Dillon Sampson
REL/MES/SAS 364 Enchanting Words: Muslim Poets, Singers, Storytellers Online Asynch Online Asynch Dr. Tazim Kassam
REL 381 Ghosts and Ghostbusters MW 2:15-3:35 Dr. Gareth Fisher
REL 400 ST: Discovery and Indigenous Peoples Th 12:30-3:15 Dr. Philip Arnold
REL 551 Ethics and the Health Professions T 5:00-7:45 Dr. Sam Gorovitz
REL 600 M001 ST: Imaginary Worlds W 3:45-6:30 Dr. Zachary Braiterman
REL 600 M002 ST: Discovery and Indigenous Peoples Th 12:30-3:15 Dr. Philip Arnold
REL 601 Theories & Methods in the Study of Religion M 12:45-3:30 Dr. William Robert
* discussion sections on Friday at 10:35 and 11:40