Religion Courses Fall 2020
Linked course titles have extended descriptions. Syllabi provided where available.
Course |
Title |
Day |
Time |
Instructor |
Room |
Syllabus |
Description |
REL 100 |
Selected Topi
TTh |
3:30-4:50 |
Ms. Shira Schwartz |
REL/JSP 114 |
The Bible in History, Culture and Literature
MW |
3:45-5:05 |
Dr. James Watts |
REL/JSP/LIT 131 meets with ENG 184 M002 |
Great Jewish Writers
TTh |
11:00-12:20 |
Dr. Erella Brown-Sofer |
REL/JSP 135 |
TTh |
12:30-1:50 |
Dr. Zachary Braiterman |
REL 156 |
TTh |
11:00-12:20 |
Dr. Marcia Robinson |
Discovering Islam
TTh |
12:30-1:50 |
Dr. Jeanette Jouili |
REL/MES/SAS 165 U800 |
Discovering Islam
Online |
Online |
Dr. Tazim Kassam |
REL 191 |
Religion, Meaning, and Knowledge
TTh |
5:00-6:20 |
Dr. Marcia Robinson |
REL 200 M001 |
Selected Topic
TTh |
9:30-10:50 |
Ms. Shira Schwartz |
REL 200 U800 |
Muslim Women's Voices
Online |
Online |
Dr. Tazim Kassam |
REL 227 |
God/s: A Cross-Cultural Gallery
MW |
12:45-2:05 |
Dr. Joanne Waghorne |
REL /NAT 244/ANT 273 |
Indigenous Religions
TTh |
8:00-9:20 |
Dr. Philip Arnold |
REL 300 M001, meets with HOA 300, M004 and JSP 300 M016 |
Holocaust, Memory and Visual Arts
MW |
5:15-6:35 |
Dr. Samuel Gruber |
REL 300 M002 |
Ghosts and Ghostbusters
MW |
5:15-6:35 |
Dr. Gareth Fisher |
REL 300 M003 meets with MES 300 M002,PSC 300 M205 |
Islam, Law, and Politics
TTh |
9:30-10:50 |
Dr. Jeanette Jouili |
REL 300 M004, meets with PSC 377 M001 |
Religion and Politics
TTh |
5:00-6:20 |
Dr. Mark Brockway |
REL/JSP 307 |
The Temple and the Dead Sea Scrolls
TTh |
3:30-4:50 |
Dr. James Watts |
REL/SAS 327 |
Yoga: Ancient Religion to Modern Practice
MW |
3:45-5:05 |
Dr. Joanne Waghorne |
REL 400, meets with ITA 409 |
Dante's Comedy: Inferno
TTh |
3:30-4:50 |
Dr. Anne Leone |
REL 551/PHI |
Ethics in the Health Professions
W |
4:30-7:30 |
Dr. Paul Prescott |
REL 600 |
Political Imagination
W |
5:15-8:00 |
Dr. Zachary Braiterman |
REL 620 |
Reading Performances of Religion
M |
3:45-6:30 |
Dr. William Robert |
REL/ANT 699 |
Writing Religions and Cultures
TTh |
3:30-4:50 |
Dr. Gareth Fisher |