Check the 2018 News archive to see what the Syracuse University Department accomplished in 2018. Here are some highlights:
- Spring 2019 Religion Department Course Offerings
- New Faculty Snapshot: Biko Mandela Gray
- Sara Ann Swenson Receives Fulbright-Hays
- Deepali Kulkarni Receives Fulbright Research Award
- Announcing the publication of In the Eye of the Animal: Zoological Imagination in Ancient Christianity
- Professors Ken Frieden & Gwendolyn Pough appointed to Tolley Professorships
- Announcing the publication of Ancient Christian Ecopoetics: Cosmologies, Saints, Things
- Recent Publications by Religion Department Faculty
- Syracuse University Department of Religion at the Annual Meeting of the AAR & SBL
- Humanities Corridor Grant Supports the Formation of a Central NY Religious Studies Consortium