November 15 (ASOR) Thursday
Thursday, 2:00–6:25pm
- McCormick, Lauren (ABD), Chair. ASOR. Session 7, 7A. Ambiguity in the Ancient Near East: In-Between Spaces and OtherworldlyEncounters I. Theme: In-Between Spaces. Thursday, November 15, 2:00–4:05pm, Evergreen A.
- McCormick, Lauren (ABD), Chair. ASOR Session 8, 8A. Ambiguity in the Ancient Near East: In-Between Spaces and Otherworldly, Encounters II. Theme: Otherworldly Encounters, 4:20–6:25pm, Evergreen A.
November 16, Friday
Friday, 11:00AM-6:00PM
- Hamner, M. Gail. Co-Chair. Religion and Media Workshop. Theorizing the "Public" in Public Scholarship (A16-109). Convention Center-607 (Street Level).
Friday, 3:00-4:30, 6:30-8:00 PM
- Burrus, Virginia, “Gender in the First Two Centuries of the Christ Movements: The Gender of Martyrdom.” Westar Institute, Christianity Seminar. Grand Hyatt, Colorado Ballroom B.
Friday 4:00-6:00PM
- Arnold, Philip P, Panelist. Theme: Charles Long: Exploring His Legacy (M16‐309). Sheraton Downtown‐Capitol (I.M. Pei Tower ‐ Terrace Level ‐ 1 level below Lobby).
Friday - 6:30-8:00 PM.
- Caputo, John D. Panelist. “Varieties of Post-Theism” at the “God Seminar” of the Westar Institute. Grand Hyatt, Colorado Ballroom B, 6:30-8:00. Clayton Crockett (SU PhD) will preside, and Jeff Robbins (SU PhD) will be responding.
Friday - 8:00 PM-10:00 PM
- Moody, Rebecca (Defended), Presiding. Film screening of Yasmine Kassari’s Ragad (2004) (A16-501). Convention Center-103 (Street Level).
November 17, Saturday
Saturday - 9:00 AM-11:30 AM
- Yeni Cenebasi, Duygu. (ABD), “Queering the Sacred: The Case of the Rainbow Qur’an,” Society for Comparative Research on Iconic and Performative Texts (P17-105). Theme: Performing and Printing Scriptures. Sheraton Downtown-Denver (I.M. Pei Tower - Third Level).
Saturday - 1:00 PM-3:00 PM
- Gomez, Abel (Ph.D. Student), “Becoming Brujas: Rise of Women and Queer of Color Witchcraft in the U.S.” New Religious Movements Unit (A17‐221), Theme: Minority and Emerging Religious Communities, Hyatt Regency-Centennial B (Third Level).
Saturday - 1:00 PM-3:00 PM
- O'Dell-Chaib, Courtney (ABD), “The Shape of this Wonder? Consecrated Science and New Cosmology Affects, ” Books under Discussion Science, Technology, and Religion Unit (A17‐232), Theme: Do We Need Science for Wonder and Responsibility? A Zygon Panel Engaging Lisa Sideris’s Consecrating Science: Wonder, Knowledge and the Natural World (University of California Press, 2017). Convention Center-Mile High 1C (Lower Level).
Saturday - 5:30 PM-7:00 PM
- Moody, Rebecca (Defended), “Singed Landscapes: Representations of Migration in Yasmine Kassari’s Ragad and ’Endama Yabki Arrijal…” Religion, Colonialism, and Postcolonialism Unit and Religion, Film, and Visual Culture Unit (A17‐428), Theme: Crossing Borders: Afrofuturism, Migration to Europe, and Representations of Siberian Shamanism. Convention Center-605 (Street Level).
Saturday - 8:00PM -10:00PM
- Hamner, M. Gail, Daughters of the Dust Screening (A17-507). Convention Center-103 (Street Level).
November 18, Sunday
Sunday - 9:00 AM-11:30 AM
Professional Practices and Institutional Location
Religion and Popular Culture Unit. Theme: Popular Pedagogy: Enhancing Student Learning through Popular Culture (A18‐123). Convention Center-Mile High 1A (Lower Level).
- Carson, Maria (ABD),
- Moody, Rebecca (Defended), “But That’s a Biological Impossibility!”: Nuancing Women and Islam through Film.”
- Brett, Adam DJ (ABD), “Reavers Ain't Human, or They Forgot How to Be: Teaching Religion in Science Fiction.”
November 19, Monday
Sunday - 1:00 PM-3:00 PM
- Hamner, M. Gail. “Surviving Racial and Sexual Violence: Film Form and Affective Economies in Daughters of the Dust and Moonlight.” Religion, Film, and Visual Culture Unit Theme: Subversive Filmmaking and Race (A18‐227).
Sunday - 1:00 PM-3:00 PM
- Hennigar, Mallory (ABD), “If Buddhists Speak in India, Do They Make a Sound? Finding a Place within Local and Global Soundscapes for Ambedkarite Buddhist Youth in Nagpur, India.” Space, Place, and Religion Unit (A18‐230), Theme: Soundscapes, Place, and Religion. Convention Center-303 (Street Level).
Sunday - 5:30 PM-7:00 PM
- Borchert, John (ABD), “A Place, An Interface: Ritualizing Techno-Eco Burial through the BiosIncube,”Death, Dying, and Beyond Unit. Theme: Digital Technologies of Death, Commemoration, and Mourning (A18‐416), Convention Center-Mile High 1E (Lower Level)
Sunday - 5:30 PM-7:00 PM
- Gray, Biko Mandela. “On Crying in Class: Emoon as the Catalyst for Change in the Classroom.” Religion, Affect, and Emotion Unit, Theme: Lightning Talks Session: Emotion in the Religious Studies Classroom (A18‐428). Convention Center‐704 (Street Level).
Sunday – 9:00-11:00PM
Syracuse University Department of Religion Reception. (M18‐537)
Hyatt Regency‐Capitol 2 (Fourth Level)
November 20
Monday - 9:00 AM-11:30 AM
- Carson, Maria (ABD), “The Memory of Abraham Joshua Heschel at Selma: The Whiteness and/or Non-Whiteness of Contemporary Ashkenazi Jews in America.” Especially for Students: Presidential Theme: Religious Studies in Public Professional Practices and Institutional Location (A19‐100), Graduate Student Committee. Theme: The World Needs Us: Serving the Public Sphere through the Study of Religion. Convention Center-Mile High 4A (Lower Level)
Monday - 9:00 AM-11:30 AM
- Borchert, John (ABD), Presiding. Video Gaming and Religion Seminar (A19‐137) Theme: Video Game Development in Asia: Cultural Heritage, Religion, and National Identity, Convention Center-301 (Street Level)
Monday - 1:00 PM-3:00 PM
- Lloyd, Dana (Defended), Panelist. Law, Religion, and Culture Unit and Native Traditions in the Americas Unit. Theme: American Indian Religious Freedom (A19‐218). Convention Center-Mile High 3A (Lower Level).
Monday - 1:00 PM-3:00 PM
- Hamner, M. Gail, “The Sunken Place: Thinking Hold in Sharpe and Rankine and alongside Get Out (Peele, 2017).” Philosophy of Religion Unit. Theme: In the Wake of Afro‐Pessimism: Black Flesh, Wake Work, the Hold, and the Question of Sexual Difference (A19‐220). Convention Center‐407 (Street Level).
Monday - 1:00 PM-3:00 PM
- Gray, Biko Mandela, Panelist. Wildcard Session Theme: Religion Scholars and the Public Good: Reshaping Knowledge Paradigms through Community Engagement (A19‐232). Convention Center‐601 (Street Level).
Monday ‐ 3:30 PM‐5:00 PM
- O'Dell‐Chaib, Courtney (ABD), Presiding. Religion, Affect, and Emotion Unit. Theme: Networks, Affects, and Social Bodies (A19‐331). Convention Center‐401 (Street Level).
November 21
Tuesday - 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
- Giles, Patricia (ABD), “Tibetan Buddhism and the Body in the Art of Zhang Huan.” Buddhism Unit. Theme: New Work in Chinese Buddhist Studies. Convention Center-303 (Street Level).
Tuesday ‐ 10:30 AM‐12:00 PM
- Fisher, Gareth, Respondent. Chinese Religions Unit. Theme: What Is a Temple? (A20‐119), Convention Center‐401 (Street Level).
Marcia Robinson continues her on long term work as Kierkegaard, Religion, and Culture Unit Co-Chair. The Kierkegaard unit has three exciting programs:
- Where is God? Kierkegaard and the Denigration of Public Discourse (A18-117), Sunday - 9:00 AM-11:30 AM, Convention Center-Mile High 1D (Lower Level)
- Kierkegaard and Cinema (A17-218), Saturday - 1:00 PM-3:00 PM, Convention Center-Mile High 2C (Lower Level)
- Book Session: David Kangas's Errant Affirmations (Bloomsbury, 2018) (A19-415). Monday - 5:30 PM-7:00 PM, Convention Center-407 (Street Level).
Thank you to Professors M. Gail Hamner and Virginia Burrus for their help in compling this list. If there are any errors, corrections, or additions that need to be made please email: Adam DJ Brett.