“Understanding Islam,” a seven-week series that will present a comprehensive look at Islam through lectures and discussions, will begin on Tuesday, October 2.
The program is facilitated by Muslim Chaplain Amir Duric, and will be held on Tuesdays from 6:00-7:30 p.m. in the Peter Graham Scholarly Commons (room 114) of Bird Library. The series, which is sponsored by Syracuse University Libraries, Muslim Student Life at SU, Muslim Students Association at SU, and Hendricks Chapel, is free and open to the public. Each session will consist of a lecture and discussion.
The schedule for the Fall 2018 series is as follows:
- Tuesday, October 2: Introduction
- Tuesday, October 9: Ten Commandments of Islam (guest speaker: Imam Muris Neimarlija)
- Tuesday, October 16: Women’s Rights in Islam (guest speaker: Anisa Diab, Licensed Counselor)
- Tuesday, October 23: Sunni-Shi’a Dichotomy and Politics in Early Islamic History (guest speaker: Ahmet Celik, PhD Student, SU Department of Religion)
- Tuesday, October 30: Legacy of Muslim Civilization (guest speaker: Imam Amsal Memic)
- Tuesday, November 6: A Mosque Visit – The Role of Mosque and Community in the Life of Muslims (guest speaker: Imam Mohammed Alfiki)
- Tuesday, November 13: Faith in Practice and Conclusion (guest speaker: Al-Amin Muhammed, Advocate for the Homeless and Poor)
To register and to request special accommodations, please RSVP by September 28 to Amir Durik at aduric@syr.edu.