Course offering from the philosophy department: Spring 2022

Orange Alert

Philosophy Courses: Spring 2022

Undergraduate and Graduate
Spring 2022
Linked course titles have extended descriptions. Syllabi provided where available.
Course Title Day Time Instructor Room Syllabus Description
PHI 107 M002 Theories of Knowledge & Reality MW 11:40-12:35 Mark Heller 107 HL syllabus
PHI 107 M101 Theories of Knowledge & Reality TTH 12:30-1:50 Joe Hedger 104 Tolley syllabus
PHI 107 M102 Theories of Knowledge & Reality MWF 12:45-1:40 Byron Simmons 017 CH syllabus
PHI 107 M103 Theories of Knowledge & Reality TTH 9:30-10:50 Joe Hedger 205B MSQ syllabus
PHI 107 M104 Theories of Knowledge & Reality TTH 8:00-9:20 Chip Osborne 115 HL syllabus
PHI 107 M105 Theories of Knowledge & Reality MWF 10:35-11:30 Byron Simmons 115A Lyman syllabus
PHI 107 M106 Theories of Knowledge & Reality TTH 2:00-3:20 Joe Hedger 115B Lyman syllabus
PHI 107 M107 Theories of Knowledge & Reality TTH 11:00-12:20 Kellan Head 202B MSQ syllabus
PHI 109 Intro. to Philosophy (Honors) TTH 11:00-12:20 Byron Simmons 241 Sims syllabus
PHI/PSC 125 Political Theory MW 10:35-11:30 Dennis Rasussen 207 HL syllabus
PHI 171 Critical Thinking TTH 9:30-10:25 Kevan Edwards 331 Sims syllabus
PHI 175 Social & Political Philosophy TTH 12:30-1:25 David Sobel 010 Eggers syllabus
PHI 175 M001 Social & Political Philosophy TTH 12:30-1:50 Rowan Bell 203 Shafer syllabus
PHI 175 M003 Social & Political Philosophy TTH 2:00-3:20 Aatif Abbas 141 NH3 syllabus
PHI 192 M101 Intro. to Moral Theory MW 10:35-11:30 Karin Nisenbaum 100 Falk syllabus
PHI 192 M001 Intro. to Moral Theory MW 3:45-5:05 Jags Singh Max Aud syllabus
PHI 192 M002 Intro. to Moral Theory TTH 9:30-10:50 David Sobel 304 SOM syllabus
PHI 192 M003 Intro. to Moral Theory TTH 12:30-1:50 Jags Singh 110 Maxwell syllabus
PHI 192 M004 Intro. to Moral Theory TTH 11:00-12:20 Pam Ryan 409 NH1 syllabus
PHI 197 M001 Human Nature MW 12:45-2:05 James Lee 113 Eggers syllabus
PHI 197 M002 Human Nature TTH 12:30-1:50 Hamed Shirmohammadi 101 Huntington syllabus
PHI 197 M003 Human Nature TTH 3:30-4:50 Hamed Shirmohammadi 237 Sims syllabus
PHI 197 M004 Human Nature MW 2:15-3:35 Jeremy Pierce 201 HL syllabus
PHI 200 Philosophy Through Films TTH 3:30-4:50 Chris Noble 213A HBC syllabus
PHI 251 Logic MW 2:15-3:10 Mark Heller 107 HL syllabus
PHI 251 M101 Logic TTH 9:30-10:50 Dante Dauksz 205 HL syllabus
PHI 251 M102 Logic TTH 11:00-12:20 Dante Dauksz 337 Smith syllabus
PHI 251 M103 Logic MW 3:45-5:05 Adam Patterson 032 Eggers syllabus
PHI 251 M104 Logic TTH 2:00-3:20 Stacy Kohls HBC Kittredge syllabus
PHI 293 Ethics and the Media Professions TTH 5:00-5:55 August Faller 105 LSB syllabus
PHI/WGS 297 Philosophy of Feminism MW 2:15-3:35 Nicole Fortier 206A MSQ syllabus
PHI 325 Existentialism TTH 2:00-3:20 Gregg Lambert 300 LSB syllabus
PHI 378 Minds and Machines TTH 11:00-12:20 Robert Van Gulick 102 HL syllabus
PHI 391 History of Ethics MW 3:45-5:05 Chris Noble 301 SOM syllabus
PHI 394 Environmental Philosophy TTH 9:30-10:50 Huzeyfe Demirtas 213A HBC syllabus
PHI 395 Philosophy of Art MW 3:45-5:05 Luvell Anderson 203 Shafer syllabus
PHI 396 Stem Cells and Society TTH 12:30-1:50 Hille Paakkunainen 105 LSB syllabus
BIO 396 Stem Cells and Society TTH 12:30-1:50 Scott Erdman 105 LSB
PHI 398 Medical Ethics TTH 3:30-4:50 August Faller 337 Sims syllabus
PHI 400/600 African American Philosophy MW 12:45-2:05 Luvell Anderson 105 HL syllabus
PHI 400 Sel. Topics: Consciousness and Animal Minds TTH 2:00-3:20 Robert Van Gulick 105 HL syllabus
PHI 401 Seminar for Philosophy Majors TTH 2:00-3:20 Ben Bradley 221 Shafer syllabus
PHI 417/PSC 382 Contemporary Political Philosophy TTH 11:00-12:20 Verena Erlenbusch-Anderson 114 Carnegie syllabus
PHI 422 20th Century French/German Philosophy T 5:00-7:50 Gregg Lambert 304 Tolley syllabus
PHI 575 Philosophy of Social Science TTH 11:00-12:20 Ken Baynes 104 Tolley syllabus
PHI 600 Professional Development Seminar T 6:30-8:20 Ben Bradley 538 HL syllabus
PHI 622 20th Cent. French/German Phil. T 5:00-7:50 Gregg Lambert 304 Tolley syllabus
PHI 687 LEMM Proseminar TTH 12:30-1:50 Kevan Edwards 111 HL syllabus
PHI 730 Seminar in Modern Philosophy: German Political Philosophy 1789-1830 W 6:45-9:30 Fred Beiser 538 HL syllabus
PHI 750 Seminar in Curren Philosophical Problems: Philosophy of Language TH 3:30-6:15 Michael Rieppel 058 Link syllabus
PHI 860 Seminar in Ethics: Kantian & Post-Kantian Ethics W 3:45-6:30 Karin Nisenbaum 538 HL syllabus
PHI 880/PSC 800 Seminar in Social & Political Philosophy - Feminist Theory T 3:30-6:15 Verena Erlenbusch-Anderson 408 NH1 syllabus
HNR 340 Humanities Courses Honors - Global Political Philosophy TTH 12:30-1:50 Ken Baynes TBA