ABD Workshop

Orange Alert

ABD Workshop

The ABD workshop facilitates the professional development of graduate students by providing an opportunity for students to present and receive feedback on their work. ALL faculty and graduate students are encouraged to attend.

For scheduling or further information, please contact David Sobel (davidsobel3@gmail.com).


Thursday April 4, 4 - 6pm
Author/Title: Stacy Kohls, "Of Fooles and Free-Riders: Hobbesian Constructivism and The Normative Question"
Commentator: Victor Sholl
Location: HL 538

Friday April 12, 3 - 5pm
Author/Title: Sanggu Lee, "Varieties of Second-Order Quantification and the Quinean Criterion of Ontological Commitment"
Commentator: Bertie Probyn
Location: HL 538


The ABD Workshop is read-ahead format. The appropriate length for papers ranges from conference length (3,000 words) to publication length (5,000-8,000 words), but not more than maximum length standard for publication (10,000 words).


9 days in advance: A reliable draft is due from the speaker to the commentator. At this time, the draft need not be final. However, it should be sufficiently reliable to allow the commentator adequate time to formulate comments.
7 days in advance: The final draft is due to be distributed to the department.
3 days in advance: The comments are due from the commentator to the speaker, allowing the speaker adequate time to formulate replies.


Presentation (20-30 minutes): The speaker presents the work and its place within the larger project. Time constraints prohibit reading the paper. However, they do not prohibit an appropriate summary of the main issues and arguments. If useful, handouts are welcome.
Comments (15 minutes maximum): The commentator presents comments. Comments may be read. If useful, handouts are welcome.
Reply (5-10 minutes): The speaker replies to points and issues raised by the commentator.
Discussion: The paper is open for Q&A and discussion. Appropriate topics include both philosophical issues raised by the paper (content) and issues relevant to professional development (form).