Sean M. Conrey

Sean M. Conrey
Part Time Instructor
400 Ostrom Ave, Suite 219
Sean M. Conrey is an Associate Director of Syracuse University Project Advance (SUPA) and in this role he administers many course areas while also maintaining a dual appointment as a faculty liaison for the program in the Syracuse University English Department. He completed a Master of Fine Arts degree in poetry and a PhD in Rhetoric and Composition at Purdue University. He has since taught literature, creative writing, composition, rhetorical theory, and environmental studies at a range of colleges and universities before landing at Syracuse University. Conrey’s scholarly research in writing studies focuses on the ways rhetoric affects our experience of the lived environment. This research has led to an interest in place-based pedagogy and service-focused curricula. Accordingly, his interests in course and curricular design tend to be writing-instructive, critically focused and grounded in place-based social-justice-centered community work. As an associate editor of the Concurrent Enrollment Review, Conrey is involved in promoting and publishing academic scholarship in the field of concurrent enrollment; his own research in this field focuses on mentorship and the creation and maintenance of equitable curricula. Conrey has published several books of poetry and has worked and written for many magazines, newspapers, and journals over the years.