Tere Paniagua

Tere Paniagua
Executive Director, Cultural Engagement for the Hispanic Community
La Casita
Office of Cultural Engagement
215 HB Crouse Hall
Email: tpaniagu@syr.edu
LaCasita: 315.443.2151
OCE: 315.443.6450
Responsible for the management of two art centers at Syracuse University: La Casita Cultural Center and Punto de Contacto-Point of Contact’s art gallery, literary and arts education programs. Develop strategies to pull together resources on campus and in the community, to advance cultural engagement programs and artistic enrichment. Develop community service and education programming for underserved Hispanic communities in the city of Syracuse. Create opportunities for collaboration that will serve to integrate Hispanic communities on and off the Syracuse University campus.
SPANISH 301: Latin American Literature - Approaches to Literary Texts.
(Fall 03 / Spring 04 / Fall 04)
• SOLING/HONORS 300: Exploring Creativity in the Arts & Academe
(Spring 04)
• SPANISH/LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES 402: Hispanic Journalistic Practices
Designed this course that is now a regular LLL class (SPA 402)
Received 2010 Chancellor’s Award for Community Engagement and Scholarship.
(Spring 03 / Fall 03 / Spring 04 / Fall 04/ Fall 05/ Fall 06/ Fall 07 / Fall 08 / Spring 09 / Fall 09 / Spring 10/ Fall 10 / Spring 11 / Fall 11)
• SPANISH 400: Conceptualization in Contemporary Verbal & Visual Arts. (Spring 11 / Spring 12)
Managing Director • Associate Editor
- Responsible for the management of operations of this non-for-profit organization housed on the Syracuse University campus. Responsibilities include programming development, staff supervision, budget allocations and administration, funds development, grants research/writing, media relations, coordination of programs, community outreach, production of art exhibitions and editing/production of bilingual print and online catalogues and publications.
- Management and collaboration in the editing, translation and production of Point of Contact publications including the Point of Contact literary book series, and the poetry series Corresponding Voices, now to release its 6th edition.
- Management and coordination of promotional events for new programs and publications targeting communities on and off campus, as well as special presentations in New York City; San Juan, Puerto Rico and Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Collaboration in the production of Point of Contact video documentaries: Eyes of Pérez Celis (2003), Tango (2010) and Vinyl and Red Lips (2011). Transcribed all videotaped materials and translated scripts (English/Spanish) for subtitling. Read for voice-over.
- Responsible for the programming of campus and class visits and participation in community based Point of Contact programs by artists, writers and filmmakers from around the world, with a main focus on Latin American and Latino artists and poets residing in the U.S.
- Responsible for the development of an electronic database and online newsletter for mass marketing; mail subscriptions and development of potential new markets.
- Responsible for Point of Contact press communications, social networking and new campaigns launched in the U.S. and abroad, including production of promotional materials in English and Spanish).
- Responsible for updates in content and design of the website: www.puntopoint.org
The Point of Contact Gallery
• Responsible for the programming and production of exhibits: yearly schedules, show openings, and providing support to artists in the process of installing exhibits.
- Responsible for the writing, design and production of printed and digital materials including posters, postcards, press announcements, photos and web updates, as well as the design and production of artists’ catalogues.
- Responsible for the creation, management and coordination of POC’s community based learning program, El Punto Art Studio, which offers a contemporary arts workshop for youths from diverse communities in Syracuse, mainly Hispanic. Program is facilitated through coordination and collaboration between The Point of Contact Gallery and the Spanish Action League of Upstate New York.
- Responsible for grant writing, obtaining and managing grant moneys.
- Panelist in a Discussion about Puerto Rico with graduate students from the Maxwell School, invited by PLACA, as part of an ongoing series on Caribbean Studies (February 2005).
- Participated in various task committee meetings at the request of former Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Joseph Lampe, to assist in the development of an initiative for Latino recruitment at Syracuse University, directed specifically at students from Puerto Rico. The committee was integrated by Susan Donovan, former Dean of Admissions; David Smith, Professor Alejandro García; Prof. Silvio Torres-Saillant; Scott Settek, and Larry Martin.
- Met personally with Syracuse University alum and Board of Trustees member Angel Collado-Schwarz in San Juan, to conduct an interview for a special feature published in December of 2004 by Syracuse University Magazine (Winter 2004). This, at the request of Joseph Lampe and Tom Walsh of the S.U. Development Office.
- Assisted the Department of Languages Literatures and Linguistics faculty search committee as host for candidates visiting the campus in 2004 and 2011.
- Assisted the Art & Music History Program of the College of Arts & Sciences in the search for a new Director for the Arts Leadership Graduate Program (2011)
- Assisted the SU Humanities Center in the search for two positions: Events Coordinator and Grants Researcher in 2011 and 2012.
Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY
Chancellor’s Award for Public Engagement & Scholarship 2010
Paris, France
Association Internationale des Arts Plastiques
Overseas Press Club
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Numerous awards for the publication of Por Dentro 1998-99
El Nuevo Día newspaper.
1994 Ozzie Awards for Publication Design Excellence
Awarded by Folio: The Magazine for Magazine Management to
Imagen Magazine, Editor: Tere Paniagua
Asociación Internacional de Hombres de Empresa
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Young Entrepreneur Award 1992
Viewpoint weekly column: “The Mom Thing”. City Eagle Feb. 2007 to 2009
• “Latino Community, Living and Growing” In-Depth with Bea González, President of the Syracuse Common Council. The City Eagle, Dec. 4 2006
• “Beisbol in Puerto Rico” Point of Contact: On Sports Vol. 7, No. 1-2;
Syracuse University Press; Syracuse, NY, 2004.
• “Profile: Angel Collado-Schwarz” Syracuse University Magazine
December 2004
• “Sobre Metáforas: El arte de Liliana Porter” Liliana Porter, Fotografía y Ficción
Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2003.
Spanish translation from English in collaboration with author, Pedro Cuperman.
• “Luminous Art” SU Latino
The Latino-Latin American Studies Program Spring 2004
• “Memory Tracks” SU Latino
The Latino-Latin American Studies Program Fall 2003
• “Festival Latinoamericano en Downtown” SU Latino
The Latino-Latin American Studies Program Fall 2003
• “Stir It Up” SU Latino
The Latino-Latin American Studies Program Fall 2003
• “Behind the Masks” SU Latino
The Latino-Latin American Studies Program Fall 2003
• “The Ways of Color” SU Latino
The Latino-Latin American Studies Program Spring 2003
• “Immigrant at Risk” Caribbean Business, February 2002
Feature article about US Federal regulations for immigrants entering US after 9/11
• “Clear Customs Caribbean Business, February 2002
Feature article about security measures established by US Customs Service after 9/11
• “Uncle Tom Wants You!” Caribbean Business, February 2002
Feature article about newly established Homeland Security and its effect on businesses.
• “Al filo…” El Nuevo Día, May 28, 2000
Art Review and interview with Puerto Rican artist Jorge Zeno
• “Personas como misterios” El Nuevo Día, March 26, 2000
Interview with Puerto Rican poet and theologian Angel Darío Carrero
• “Nos vemos en el Tótem” El Nuevo Día, March 19, 2000
Feature article about Public Art in San Juan, PR and the work of sculptor Jaime Suárez
• “Camino a ningún sitio” El Nuevo Día, March 12, 2000
Art Review and interview with New York artist Jan Henle
• “Zeno del Dragón” El Nuevo Día, February 6, 2000
Art Review and interview with Puerto Rican artist Jorge Zeno
• “Más que una invitación, un reto” El Nuevo Día, January 24, 2000
Art Review of exhibit by 40 Puerto Rican artists at UNESCO, Paris
• “Cinco décadas de un Domingo” El Nuevo Día, October 31, 1999
Art Review and interview with Puerto Rican artist Domingo García
• “Duelo a puro bolero” El Nuevo Día, October 31, 1999
Art Review and interview with Puerto Rican artist Aixa Requena
• “Raspacoco y Ají” El Nuevo Día, October 24, 1999
Art Review and interview with Puerto Rican artist Dennis Mario
• “El vicio de mirar” El Nuevo Día, October 17, 1999
Art Review and interview with Puerto Rican artist Miguel Trelles
• “Nada obvio” El Nuevo Día, September 19, 1999
Art Review and interview with Puerto Rican artist Eric Tabales
• “A rienda suelta” El Nuevo Día, September 19, 1999
Art Review and interview with New York artist John Balossi
• “La Giganta en San Juan” El Nuevo Día, September 5, 1999
Art Review and interview with Mexican artist José Luis Cuevas
• “Como está la calle” El Nuevo Día, August 17, 1999
Art Review of exhibit by Association of Photojournalists in San Juan, PR
• “El Gran Tefo” El Nuevo Día, August 15, 1999
Art Review and interview with Puerto Rican artist Rafael Tufiño
• “Concidencia Semimaterial” El Nuevo Día, June 20, 1999
Interview with Puerto Rican poet Francisco Matos Paoli
• “Rompiendo Noche” El Nuevo Día, June 13, 1999
Art Review and interview with Venezuelan artist Karim Borjas
• “Criolla arquitectura editorial” El Nuevo Día, April 18, 1999
Review and interview with Puerto Rican poet José Luis Vega
• “Aires de protesta” El Nuevo Día, April 4, 1999
Feature article about the awards of the International Association of Art Critics
• “Un Oller perdido” El Nuevo Día, March 7, 1999
• “Un alto para Oller” El Nuevo Día, May 22, 1999
Feature articles about a lost painting by Puerto Rican master Francisco Oller
• “Judith Lieber, piezas de coleccion” Imagen, Junio1994
Art Review and interview with New York designer Judith Lieber
• “Madres que trabajan” Imagen, December 1993
Feature article about working mothers
• “Cuevas ante Cuevas” Imagen, November 1993
Art Review and interview with Mexican painter José Luis Cuevas
(Sept. 9, 2021)
2021-22 Syracuse Symposium explores the theme “Conventions.”
(Sept. 7, 2021)
The opening of “Heart of the Barrio/Corazón del Barrio” kicks off Hispanic Heritage Month 2021 by reflecting on the center’s 10-year journey.
(Sept. 30, 2020)
La Casita commemorates Latinx/Hispanic Heritage Month with an exhibit celebrating abuelas (grandmothers).
(Sept. 18, 2018)
A Q&A with Syracuse Symposium participants Tere Paniagua, Roger Hallas, Tula Goenka
(April 18, 2017)
Visit by creator of Puerto Rican superheroine will raise support for La Casita's bilingual library, literacy programs
(Nov. 29, 2016)
Notre Dame professor boasts world’s largest private collection of Latino art
(March 18, 2016)
Latina/o cultural center raises awareness of, support for bilingual library
(Nov. 6, 2015)
New community collecting initiative traces impact of baseball on Latinos