Willow Hilliard

Willow Hilliard
Graduate Student T.A.
Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Email: slhillia@syr.edu
Before coming to the CCR program at Syracuse, Stephanie earned her BA of Professional Writing from University of Detroit Mercy in Michigan and her MA TESOL at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, where she also served as a writing center tutor, a graduate editor, and an editor contributor of a student-led publication. She has roughly three years of writing center experience, as well as a smattering of freelance editing jobs under her belt. In addition, Stephanie has tutored students in their linguistic development, taught English proficiency exam courses at the American Language Institute (IUP), first-year MLW courses, and an introduction to writing class at a county prison in Indiana, PA.
Stephanie is interested in prison education, the co-construction of identity, queer studies, critical pedagogy, feminist theory, writing development, and issues of immigration.