Danae Faulk

Danae Faulk
PhD Candidate, Religion: Critique, Image, and Politics
514 Hall of Languages
Email: dmfaulk@syr.edu
- Degree: Began Ph.D. program in 2015
- Concentration: Critique, Image, and Politics
- Advisor: M. Gail Hamner
Originally from Baton Rouge, Danae earned her MA in Religious Studies with a minor in Women and Genders Studies from University of Missouri in 2015 with her thesis "Specters of Otherness: Essays at the Intersection of Religious Studies, Feminist Theory, and Alterity" and a BA in Anthropology and Religious Studies from Louisiana State University in 2012. With interests in affect, embodiment, race, and transnational feminist critique, her current research examines the relationship between misogynoir, religion, and excess that animate fat oppression, health moralism, and theories of materiality in the 20th and 21st century U.S.
Faulk, Danae. “White Power Barbie and Other Figures of the Angry White Woman,” in The Religion of White Rage Religious Fervor, White Workers and the Myth of Black Racial Progress, Biko Mandela, Gray, Stephen C. Finley, Lori Latrice Martin (eds). (Edinburgh University Press, 2020) 9781474473705. https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/book-the-religion-of-white-rage.html