Yuesheng Xu

Yuesheng Xu
Professor Emeritus
215F Carnegie Library
Email: yxu06@syr.edu
Research Interests
- Numerical analysis
- Integral equations
- Wavelet analysis
- Image and signal processing
- Computational mathematics
List of publications
Ph.D. in Mathematics, Old Dominion University, 1989
M.S. in Computational Mathematics, Zhongshan University, 1985
B.S. in Computational Mathematics, Zhongshan University, 1982
- Research grants from NASA, NSF, CDC and the Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Eberly Chair Professor of Applied Mathematics at West Virginia University (2001-2003)
- Fred Waldron Award for Excellence in Research, North Dakota State University, 1999
- Best Researcher of Science and Mathematics, North Dakota State University, 1998
- Alexander Von Humboldt Research Fellow in 1996
- Among 100 Outstanding Young Chinese Scientists, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Editorial Boards
- Managing Editor of Advances in Computational Mathematics
- Associate Editor of Journal of Integral Equations and Applications
- Associate Editor of Journal of System Sciences and Mathematics