M. Emma Ticio Quesada

M. Emma Ticio Quesada
Professor, Spanish and Linguistics
Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
340C HB Crouse Hall
Email: mticioqu@syr.edu
Linguistic Studies
Spanish Language Literature and Culture
- Ph.D. in Linguistics. Department of Linguistics. University of Connecticut, Storrs. 1998-May 2003
- M.A. in Linguistics. Department of Linguistics. University of Connecticut, Storrs. 1998-2001
- Doctoral Candidate (A.B.D.). Program in Theoretical Linguistics and Language Acquisition at the Instituto Universitario "José Ortega y Gasset" of Madrid. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain). 1994-present
- B.A. Hispanic Philology (Major in Hispanic Linguistics). Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain).1990-1994
Courses Taught
- SPA 435/635 Spanish Phonetics and Phonology
- LIN 431/631 Phonological Analysis
- SPA 436/636 The Structure of Spanish
- SPA 400/600 Spanish Grammar for Teachers
- SPA 438/638 History of the Spanish language
- SPA 439/639 Community Outreach: Language in Action
Professor Ticio’s research areas are syntax, semantics, and first language acquisition. Her main line of research has focused on the structure of nominal expressions in Romance languages and particularly in Spanish. Among some other topics, she has examined in detail the parallelism between nominal and clausal structure, the possibility of movement in the nominal domain and its locality, the cliticization processes and ellipsis, and the distinction argument/adjunct in nominal expressions. This line of research has led to several papers, book chapters, and conferences on the topic and to a research monograph. Since her arrival to Syracuse University in August 2009, she has also initiated a series of pilot studies to examine the acquisition of some aspects of nominal expressions by children acquiring simultaneously English and Spanish as their first language in the Syracuse area, following the Syracuse University Chancellor’s vision of Scholarship in Action. She has recently published a Spanish-English longitudinal database in the international database repository CHILDES (Child Language Data Exchange System), and is involved in the creation of a larger Spanish-English longitudinal database to support research in the Spanish-English bilingualism field.
Assistant Professor of Spanish and Linguistics, Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Syracuse University, NY. Fall 2009-present
Assistant Professor of Spanish Linguistics, Department of Modern and Classical Languages, University of Houston, Houston, TX. Fall 2003-Spring 2009
Director of Basic Language Instruction in Spanish, Department of Modern and Classical Languages, University of Houston, Houston, TX. Fall 2003-Spring 2005
Research Assistant for Prof. Diane Lillo-Martin and Prof. William Snyder, on the National Institutes of Health grant # DC-00183, Cross Linguistic Early Syntax Study (CLESS), Department of Linguistics, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. Fall 1998-Spring 2002
Instructor, Department of Linguistics, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, Summer 2002.
Teaching Assistant, Department of Linguistics, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, Fall 2001- Spring 2003.
- ‘Putting the Spanish DP in order’. In Romance Linguistics: Structures, Interfaces, and Microparametric Variation, Pascual Masullo, Erin O’Rourke, and Chia-Hui Huang (eds.), 261-274. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 2009
- ‘Locality Conditions in Spanish DPs’. In T. Face and C. Klee (eds.) Selected Proceedings of the 8th. Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, 137-153. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project. 2006
- ‘NP-Ellipsis in Spanish’. In D. Eddington (ed.) Selected Proceedings of the 7th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, 128-141. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project. 2005
- ‘Definite Generics in Spanish’. In F. Ordoñez and S. Montrul (eds.) Linguistic Theory and Language Development in Hispanic Languages: Papers from the 5th. Hispanic Linguistics Symposium and the 4th. Conference on the Acquisition of Spanish and Portuguese, 158-177. Cascadilla Press. Somerville, MA. 2003
- ‘The Acquisition of Clitics in Child Spanish’, with Lara Reglero. In F. Ordoñez and S. Montrul (eds.). Linguistic Theory and Language Development in Hispanic Languages: Papers from the 5th. Hispanic Linguistics Symposium and the 4th. Conference on the Acquisition of Spanish and Portuguese, 297-316. Cascadilla Press. Somerville, MA. 2003
‘Locality and Anti-Locality in Spanish DPs’. In Syntax, 2005,8:3, 229–286.
(Jan. 28, 2015)
Syracuse professors occupy top positions at Modern Language Association, International Association of World Englishes, and Linguistic Society of America