Natalie Russo

Orange Alert

Natalie Russo

Natalie Russo

Natalie Russo

Associate Professor and Associate Chair


444 Marley Educational Building


  • Ph.D., McGill University, School/Applied Child Psychology
  • Clinical Internship at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Postdoctoral training: Autism Research Training Program, McGill University
  • Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Cognitive Neurophysiology Laboratory

Social/Academic Links

Research and Teaching Interests

I am interested in the manner in which typically developing children, children with developmental disabilities and children on the autism spectrum process and integrate sensory information from one or more sensory modalities. To this end I use behavioral and electrophysiological measurements within the context of developmental psychopathology, using a strength based approach to data interpretation and research design. In addition, I am also an expert diagnostician of children with autism, and in the use of visual strategies for treatment.

You can find my research lab page here

Representative Publications

Burack, J. A., Russo, N., Flores, H., Iarocci, G., & Zigler, E. (in press). The more we know, the less we know, but that's OK: Developmental implications for theory, methodology, and interpretation. In J. A. Burack, R. M. Hodapp, G. Iarocci, & E. Zigler (Eds.), Handbook of intellectual disabilities and development. New York: Oxford University Press.

Russo, N., Dawkins, T., Huizinga, M., & Burack, J. A. (in press). Executive functions and intellectual disability: A developmental perspective. In J. A. Burack, R. M. Hodapp, G. Iarocci, & E. Zigler (Eds.), Handbook of intellectual disabilities and development. New York: Oxford University Press.

Brandwein, A. B., Foxe, J. J. F, Russo, N., Altschuler, T. Gomes, H., & Molholm, S. (2011). The development of audiovisual multisensory integration across childhood and early adolescence: A high-density electrical mapping study. Cerebral Cortex

Russo, N., Foxe, J. J., Gomes, H., Brown, A., Altschuler, T, Gomes, H., & Molholm, S. (2010). Multisensory Processing in Children with Autim: High-density electrical mapping of auditory-somatosensory integration. Autism Research, 3, 1-15.

Flanagan, T., Russo, N., & Burack, J. A. (2009). The developmental approach to the study of Down syndrome: Contemporary issues in historical perspective. Down Syndrome Research and Practice, 96-100.

Russo, N., Burack, J., Flanagan, T., Berringer, D., Iarocci, G. & Zelazo, P. D. (2007). Deconstructing the executive function deficit in autism: implications for cognitive neuroscience. Brain and Cognition, Special Issue, 77-86.

Flanagan, T., Enns, J., Russo, N., Randolph, B., Abedutto, L., Murphy, M., & Burack, J.A.(2007). Differences in visual orienting between persons with Down or Fragile X syndromes. Brain and Cognition Special Issue, 128-34.

Enhanced Perception

(June 17, 2016)

Researchers at Syracuse University Suggest Further Strengths in Perception of Individuals with Autism