Alan Middleton

Orange Alert

Alan Middleton

Alan Middleton

Alan Middleton



208 Tolley Humanities Building


Biophysical Science


  • 1990 Ph.D. in Physics, Princeton University
  • 1985 Certificate of Advanced Study (Part III Maths), Cambridge University
  • 1984 B.S. in Physics and Mathematics with distinction, Harvey Mudd College

Social/Academic Links

Research Interests
  • Condensed matter and statistical physics.
  • Disordered materials, such as random magnets and interfaces in a random environment.
  • Computational physics.
  • Links between ideas for algorithms and physical principles.

Research Spotlight


Visualization of clusters and multifractal walls found in computer simulations of a disordered material.

A Commitment to A&S Excellence

(Aug. 21, 2023)

Dean Mortazavi recognizes Kishi Animashaun Ducre and Alan Middleton, outgoing associate deans, for their achievements in fostering equity and inclusion and research excellence in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Alan Middleton Appointed A&S Associate Dean

(May 9, 2017)

Professor and chair of physics, Middleton will ensure continued development of sciences, mathematics, humanities

Physics Chair Honored for Innovation, Education, Leadership

(Dec. 15, 2016)

A. Alan Middleton is a newly elected 2016 Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science

Honors and Awards
  • Fellow of the American Physical Society, 2010 - present
  • Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship, 1995-1999
Selected Publications

"Exact algorithm for sampling the two-dimensional Ising spin glass", Creighton K. Thomas, A. Alan Middleton. Physical Review E 80, 046708 (2009).

"Statistics of static avalanches in a random pinning landscape", Pierre Le Doussal, A. Alan Middleton, Kay Joerg Wiese, Physical Review E 79, 050101 (2009).

"Are Domain Walls in Spin Glasses Described by Stochastic Loewner Evolutions?", D. Bernard, P. Le Doussal, and A. Alan Middleton, Physical Review B 76, 020403(R)(2007).

"The three-dimensional random field Ising magnet: interfaces, scaling, and the nature of states", A. Alan Middleton and Daniel S. Fisher, Physical Review B 65, 134411 (2002).

"Collective Transport in Arrays of Small Metallic Dots",Physical Review Letters 71, 3198 (1993). A. Alan Middleton and Ned S. Wingreen.