M. Lisa Manning

M. Lisa Manning
William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Physics
229-B Physics Building
Email: mmanning@syr.edu
Office: 315.443.3920
Biophysical Science
- 2008 Ph.D. in Physics University of California, Santa Barbara
- 2005 M.A. Physics University of California, Santa Barbara
- 2002 B.S. Physics B.S. Mathematics University of Virginia
Social/Academic Links
- Defects and deformation in disordered solids and glasses.
- Surface tension and emergent mechanical properties in developing embryonic tissues.
- Mitotic waves and pattern formation in biological tissues.
- Constitutive models for friction and shear banding.
Research Spotlight

Electron microscope images of LP1 cell aggregates (top) and locally minimal energy cellular structures generated by our surface tension model (bottom).
(March 21, 2024)
A team of biophysicists identified an unexpected collective behavior among particles and their findings were published in the prestigious journal Physical Review Letters.
(Dec. 23, 2022)
Syracuse physics professor is leading an effort to translate research into real-world applications.
(Dec. 18, 2020)
Researchers look to pinpoint mechanical forces that could be causing defects during the early stages of embryo development.
(Feb. 24, 2020)
Manning has also been awarded a three-year Simons Foundation grant.
(Sept. 27, 2018)
Lisa Manning Included in Science News’ Annual List of 10 Young Scientists Making Their Mark
(Oct. 23, 2017)
Physicist will receive early-career award for research into soft, living matter
(Oct. 4, 2017)
Researcher examines cellular ‘traffic jams’ for clues to cancer treatment targets
(Sept. 18, 2017)
Special events through the College of Arts & Sciences will showcase the some of the best that Syracuse has to offer.
(Dec. 5, 2016)
Prestigious international award encourages fearless, cutting-edge research
(Aug. 3, 2016)
Professors Manning, Marchetti, Schwarz use soft-matter physics to find cure for cancer
(June 3, 2016)
Kassidy Lundy ’16 to take her world-class research skills into Ph.D. program
(April 13, 2016)
M. Lisa Manning part of $10 million project exploring glassy solids
(April 5, 2016)
Lisa Manning will travel to France to accept Young Scientist Award
(Feb. 10, 2016)
Weekend conference examined intersectionality in scientific, sociological settings
(Oct. 1, 2015)
Lisa Manning breaks new ground in study of cell motion in biological tissues
(Sept. 1, 2015)
M. Lisa Manning uses grant to investigate forces in organ development
(June 16, 2015)
M. Lisa Manning to shed new light on formation of multicellular structures
(March 6, 2015)
M. Lisa Manning to use prestigious award to study cell behavior
Lisa Manning Included in Science News’ Annual List of 10 Young Scientists Making Their Mark
M. Lisa Manning Awarded Simons Investigator Grant
Jammed Cells Expose the Physics of Cancer
Physicists Awarded NSF Grant to Study Cancer-Cell Behavior
Syracuse Physicist Awarded Simons Foundation Collaboration Grant
Physicist to Receive Young Scientist Award in France
University Hosts Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics
Physics Professor Lisa Manning Named a Sloan Research Fellow
Four SU professors receive prestigious ‘CAREER’ awards from National Science Foundation
Syracuse Physicist Earns Cottrell Scholar Award
Physicist Awarded Grant to Study Physical Cell Biology
Asthma cells scramble like 'there's a fire drill'
Syracuse Physicist Lands NIH Grant Award to Study Tissue, Organ Formation
Syracuse Physicist Scores Back-to-Back Articles in Top Journals
- 2015 Cottrell Scholar, Research Corporation
- 2014 Scialog Fellow, Moore Foundation and Research Corporation
- 2014 Physics Department Teaching Award, Phys 211, Syracuse University
- 2014 Sloan Research Fellow, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
- 2013 Physics Department Teaching Award, Phys 576, Syracuse University
- 2008 Postdoctoral fellowship, Princeton Center for Theoretical Science
- 2004 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
Rathbun, L.I., Colicino, E.G., Manikas, J. et al. Cytokinetic bridge triggers de novo lumen formation in vivo. Nat Commun 11, 1269 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-15002-8
M. L. Manning and A.J. Liu. Vibrational modes identify soft spots in a sheared disordered packing. Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 108302, arXiv:1012.4822 (2011).
K. Chen, M. L. Manning, P. J. Yunker, W. G. Ellenbroek, Z. Zhang, A. J. Liu, and A. G. Yodh. Structural instabilities and low-frequency modes in colloidal glasses. "Measurement of Correlations between Low-Frequency Vibrational Modes and Particle Rearrangements in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Colloidal Glasses." Phys. Rev. Lett.107 108301; arXiv:1103.2352 (2011).
M. L. Manning, R. A. Foty, M. S. Steinberg, and E.-M. Schoetz, “Coaction of intercellular adhesion and cortical tension specifies tissue surface tension,” Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 107, 28 12517-12522,(2010).
M. L. Manning, J. S. Langer, and J. M. Carlson. Strain localization in a shear transformation zone model for amorphous solids. Phys. Rev. E 76 056106 (2007).