Meredith Lillich

Meredith Lillich
Emeritus Professor, Art History
Art and Music Histories
308 Bowne Hall
Meredith Lillich is the recipient of the Wasserstrom Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching 1987 and the Chancellor's Citation for Exceptional Academic Achievement 1999. She is a member of Corpus Vitrearum (international organization to study stained glass). She has received fellowships from the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation (2007-2008), the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton; the National Gallery of Art, Center for Advanced Study in Visual Arts; the National Endowment for Humanities; the American Council of Learned Societies; as well as a Fulbright Grant for research (Paris). Her books include The Gothic Stained Glass of Reims Cathedral (2011); Stained Glass Before 1700 in Upstate New York (2004) (Corpus Vitrearum USA II/1); Studies in Medieval Stained Glass and Monasticism (2001); The Queen of Sicily & Gothic Stained Glass in Mussy & Tonnerre (1998); The Armor of Light: Stained Glass in Western France 1250-1325(1994)(Getty Publication Award); Rainbow Like an Emerald: Stained Glass in Lorraine in the 13th & Early 14th Centuries (1991)(College Art Association monograph); The Stained Glass of Saint-Pere de Chartres (1978)(Meiss Publication Award, CAA); and editor of the series Studies in Cistercian Art and Architecture (vols I-VI). She has published articles in Art Bulletin; Gesta; Speculum; Studies in Iconography; Cahiers archeologiques; Zeitschrift fuer Kunstgeschichte; Metropolitan Museum Journal; Journal of Medieval History; Traditio; Archivum Heraldicum; Burlington Magazine; Gazette des beaux-arts; Journal of Society of Architectural Historians; Journal of Glass Studies (Corning); International Congress of the History of Art (1986, 1992, 2000). See; biographical essay in Women Medievalists in the Academy, ed. J. Chance, 2005, pp. 932-44; Who’s Who in America , 65th ed., 2011.