Harold G. Jones

Harold G. Jones
Professor Emeritus
Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Email: hgjones@syr.edu
Ph.D Spanish Literature, Princeton University, 1968
A.B. Spanish Literature, Brown University, 1962
Corresponding Member of The Hispanic Society of America, elected 1981
Grants include a John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship, a Fulbright Scholarship, a Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Humanities, and a grant from the American Council on Education.
Prof. Jones came to Syracuse University in 1988. He was chair of the department for nine years, from 1988 to 1997, and program coordinator of Spanish for the following six years. Before coming to Syracuse University he taught at Macalester College, the University of Missouri, and the University of Houston, where he was chair of the Department of Hispanic and Classical Languages.
Professor Jones teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on Medieval and Golden Age Spanish Literature. He has also taught courses for the Honors Program on virtual reality and on postmodern reading. In addition, he has offered graduate seminars on special topics such as Legal Spanish, Theory and Practice of Translation, Technology and Foreign Languages, Hispanic Hypertext, and Hispanic Literature through Music. In 2005 he was the founding faculty member of the College of Arts and Sciences’ Winston Fisher Seminar “Business and the Liberal Arts.”
His interests include Bibliography, Poetry, Theater, Cervantes, Borges, and Latino literature. He has published two books, several book chapters, and nearly forty articles. Much of his research time over the years has been spent in the Vatican Library in Rome, where he has studied early, rare Spanish books and manuscripts. He also researched, organized, and wrote the commentary for the first exhibition of Spanish-language books published in Texas, featuring some eighty rare items dating from 1860 to 1940 (University of Houston Library, 1986).
Professional Service
From 1977 through 1979 Prof. Jones was the editor of La corónica, Journal of Medieval Spanish Literature. He was the book review editor of Revista Chicano-Riqueña (1981-1982), and for many years was on the editorial boards of Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures and Point of Contact. He was active in The Cervantes Society of America, including being a member of the Executive Committee (1981-1983) and the chairman of the Bibliography Committee (1983-1985). He was vice president of the Houston Professional Translators Forum (1985-1988), and chair of the Foreign Language Folder of The Apple Computer Higher Education Gopher Server (1993).
Employment Status
Prof. Jones retired in May, 2011.