Havva Zorluel Özer

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Havva Zorluel Özer

Havva Zorluel Özer

Havva Zorluel Özer

Pronouns: she/her
Assistant Teaching Professor


Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
234 HB Crouse Hall
Email: hzorluel@syr.edu
Office: 315.443.5592


Ph.D: Composition and Applied Linguistics, Indiana University of Pennsylvania


Social/Academic Links

Biographic Overview

Havva Zorluel Özer completed her Ph.D. as a Fulbright scholar in Composition and Applied Linguistics from Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) in 2021. A recipient of 2020 CCCC Scholars for the Dream Award, Özer has published her studies on writing in journals such as The Writing Center Journal, Composition Forum, and the Journal of Global Literacies, Technologies, and Emerging Pedagogies.

Research Interests

Situated in the intersections between Composition and Applied Linguistics’ rich epistemological, methodological, and pedagogical praxis, Özer’s research engages with linguistic social justice, antiracist literacy education, and language ideologies.

Research Specializations

Translanguaging pedagogy, multilingual composition, writing center research

Honors and Awards

  • 2021 Exemplary Teaching of Literacy and Language Award. Graduate Studies, Composition & Applied Linguistics, Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
  • 2020 Scholars for the Dream Award. Conference on College Composition & Communication.