Kathryn A. Everly

Kathryn A. Everly
Professor, Spanish Language Literature and Culture; Spanish Program Coodinator
Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
329 HB Crouse Hall
Email: keverly@syr.edu
Women's and Gender Studies
Latino-Latin American Studies
Modern Foreign Languages
Spanish Language Literature and Culture
- Ph.D., Hispanic Literature, The University of Texas at Austin.
- M.A., Hispanic Literature, New York University in Madrid
- B.A., English Literature, Barnard College of Columbia University
Courses Taught
- SPA 301 Approaches to Reading Literature
- SPA 321 Introduction to Spanish Literature
- SPA 457 Spanish Narrative after 1940
- SPA 458 Twentieth Century Spanish Theater
- SPA 455 (Con)Texts in 17th and 18th Century Spanish Lit.
- SPA 326 Beyond the Screen: Spanish and Latin American Film
- SPA 652 From the Enlightenment to Modernism: Aesthetics and Power
- SPA 658 Reality and Desire: 20th Century Spanish Poetry and Theater.
- SPA 657 Spanish Novel to Film
- SPA 653 Sinners and Saints: Women and the Church in 19th and 20th Century Spanish Literature.
Professor Everly teaches graduate and undergraduate classes on contemporary Spanish literature, film, and culture. She has published Catalan Women Writers and Artists: Revisionist Views from a Feminist Space with Bucknell University Press in 2003 and History, Violence, and the Hyperreal: Representing Culture in the Contemporary Spanish Novel with Purdue University Press in 2010. She received the Florence Howe Award for feminist scholarship in a foreign language field awarded by the Women’s Caucus for the Modern Languages as well as a research grant from the Program for Cultural Cooperation between Spain’s Ministry of Culture and United States Universities. She has published several book chapters and articles in various journals including Letras peninsulares, Hispanic Journal, and Catalan Review.
“En busca de la juventud perdida, reconciliación y desagravio en Carta al padre de Jesús Aguado.” De la edad. Poesía española siglos XX-XXI: Algunas calas, edited by Kathryn Everly and Josefa Álvarez, Visor, 2021, pp. 205-224.
“La mujer nueva y el erotismo en la poesía de Concha Méndez.” La llama y la flecha. Ideología y documento histórico en la poesía española contemporánea, edited by Juan José Lanz and Natalia Vara, Renacimiento, 2019, 73-91.
“Family Documents, Analogy and Reconciliation in the Works of Carme Riera.”Spanish Women Writers and Spain’s Civil War. Ed. Maryellen Bieder and Roberta Johnson. Routledge, 2017, 206-20.
“Después del final: Muerte como catalizador en Cielos de barro” Laberintos del género: muerte, sacrificio y dolor en la literature femenina española. Ed. Josefa Álvarez. Seville: Renacimiento, 2016, 206-26.
"Remembering/Gendering War: Gerda Taro's Spanish Civil War Photographs." (Re)collecting the Past: Historical Memory in Spanish Literature and Culture. Ed. Jacky Colllins, Melissa A. Stewart, Maureen Tobin Stanley and Nancy Vosburg. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016, 148-61.
“Women, War, and Words in La voz dormida by Dulce Chacón.” Women in the Spanish Novel Today: Reflections of Self in the Works of Three Generations of Writers. Ed. Kyra Kietrys and Montserrat Linares. Jefferson, NC: McFarland Press, 2009, 92-111.
“Television and the Power of Image in Caídos del cielo and La pistola de mi hermano by Ray Loriga.” Generation X Rocks. Ed. Christine Henseler and Randolph Pope. Special Issue of Hispanic Issues, Vanderbilt UP, 2007, 170-83.
“Beauty and Death as Simulacra in Ray Loriga’s Caídos del cielo and El hombre que inventó Manhattan. The Contemporary Extreme. Ed. Alain-Phillippe Durand and Naomi Mandel. Continuum, 2006, 143-52.
“Mujer y amor lesbiano: Ejemplos literarios.” La mujer en la España actual: ¿Evolución o involución? Barcelona: Icaria, 2004, 297-314.
“Intersectional Silencing in the Archive: Salaria Kea and The Spanish Civil War.” Hispanic Studies Review, vol. 6, no. 1, 2022, pp. 1-17.
“Destabilizing Gender and Genre: Queering the Body in Libertarias and Land and Freedom.” Revista de Estudios de Género y Sexualidad, vol. 47, no. 1, 2021, pp. 135-154.
“Acercamientos feministas al cine español y latinoamericano: la mujer como producto y productora de imágenes.” Vademécum del cine iberoamericana: métodos y teorías. Ed. Eugenia Afinoguénova, Samuel Amago and Kathryn Everly. Inaugural issue of a new series Vademécum de Hispanófila. Hispanófila 177, Spring 2016, 179-193.
“Rethinking the Home and Rejecting the Past: A Feminist Reading of Najat El Hachmi’s L’últim patriarca” Ámbitos Feministas 4.4 (2014): 45-59.
“Masculinity, War, and Marriage in La plaça del Diamant by Mercè Rodoreda” Anales de la literatura española contemporánea 37.1 (2012): 63-84.
“Immigrant Identity and Intertextuality in L’últim patriarca by Najat el Hachmi” Cuaderno Internacional de Estudios Humanísticos y Literatura (CIEHL) 16 (2011): 142-50.
“The Body and Imagination in La mort i la primavera.” Congrés internacional Mercè Rodoreda. Actes. Institut d’Estudis Catalans. Barcelona (2010): 151-164.
“Textual Violence and the Hyperreal in De todo lo visible y lo invisible by Lucía Etxebarria.” Letras Hispanas: Revista de Literatura y Cultura 4.1 (Spring 2007): 51-61.
“Sacred Violence as Social Criticism in Carme Riera’s En el último azul” Hispanic Journal 27.1(Spring 2006): 91-103.“Post-Franco Artistic Production and Beyond.” Guest Editor and Introduction, Symposium 58.2 (Summer 2004): 60-136.
“The (Re)Invention of Eve in Mercè Rodoreda’s Aquella paret, aquella mimosa.” Letras peninsulares 16.3 (Fall/Winter 2003-04): 509-20.
“Beyond the Postmodern Bodily Aesthetic in Beatriz y los cuerpos celestes” Monographic Review/Revista monográfica XVII (2001): 165-175.
(March 16, 2016)
Freixas is important feminist voice in Spanish literature