Robert P. Doyle

Robert P. Doyle
Jack and Laura H. Milton Professor and Dean's Professor of Chemistry
CST 3-014C Center for Science and Technology
Office: 315.443.3584
Degrees and Employment
- B.A., 1998, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
- Ph.D., 2002, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
- Postdoctoral Fellow, 2002-2003, Australian National University
- Postdoctoral Fellow, 2003-2005, Yale University
- Joined Syracuse University Faculty, August 2005
- Tenure and promotion to Associate Professor 2010
- Full Professor 2014
- Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor 2016
- Co-Founder ‘Cantius Therapeutics’ 2020
- Dean’s Professor of Chemistry 2022
Social/Academic Links
Courses Taught
- CHE 103: Chemistry in the Modern World
- CHE 106: General Chemistry
- CHE 109: Honors General Chemistry
- CHE 412/612: Metals in Medicine
- CHE 422/622: Advanced Inorganic Laboratory
- CHE 450: Independent Research
- BCM 460: Independent Research
- Meredith Symposium in the Chemical and Biological Sciences
I am a medicinal chemist with an interest in pharmaceutical drug development for the treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes. I have a broad background in peptide and protein design synthesis and recombinant expression, synthetic bioconjugate chemistry of peptides and proteins, drug delivery, protein biochemistry and assay development. In 2005, I was appointed as an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Syracuse University being subsequently promoted, with tenure, to Associate Professor in 2009 and then full Professor in 2014. In 2016, I was named the Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor. In 2011, I was appointed Associate Professor of Medicine at SUNY, Upstate Medical University (UMU), in the Department of Medicine and in 2020, Associate Professor of Pharmacology at SUNY, UMU. In 2022, I was also named Dean’s Professor of Chemistry. As a PI, I have focused on the use of the vitamin B12 dietary pathway and components therein, to modify PD/PK profiles of peptide therapeutics (Exendin-4; oxytocin; PYY). I have also focused on the rational design of monomeric peptides that target central receptors with a focus on CINV, diabetes, obesity and Opioid Use Disorder (GFRAL; GLP-1R; NPYRs, MC4R).
The Doyle group has graduated 24 PhD students between June 2009 and June 2023.
- Enterprise Ireland Fellowship, 1998
- RSC Fellowship, 2002
- Rudolph Anderson Foundation Fellowship, 2004
- Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation Award, 2008
- ACS New Investigator Award, 2009
- Tenure, February 2009
- Faculty of 1000, Associate Member 2010
- James K. Duah-Agyeman Award for Outstanding Faculty, 2011
- Faculty Advisor of the Year, 2012
- CNY College Educator of the Year, 2013
- Promoted to Full Professor, 2014
- Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor 2016
- Raiziss Rounds- Invited lecture. Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Pennsylvania, Sept. 13th 2018
- Chancellors Citation for Excellence 2020
- Dean’s Professor of Chemistry – March 2022
- Henning Anderson Prize ESPE 2022
- Watanabe Symposium Invited Speaker - September 2023
NIH NIDDK R01 DK135125-01
Doyle/Roth (MPIs)
Development of anorexigenic and glucoregulatory chimeric peptides
NIH NIDDK R01 DK130239-01
Doyle/Hayes/DeJonghe (MPIs)
Targeting the GDF15-GFRAL system to treat nausea and emesis
NIH NIDDK R01 DK128443-01
Doyle/Hayes/DeJonghe (MPIs)
Second generation GLP-1 agonists without nausea/emesis side effects
DoD CDMRP 12898613
Doyle/Roth (MPI)
The generation of chimeric peptides that simultaneously target the GLP-1R, Y2-R and Y1-R to produce glucoregulation with profound weight-loss and islet cell protection from inflammatory damage.
Tito Borner, Ian C. Tinsley, Brandon T. Milliken, Sarah A. Doebley, Nicholas R. Najjar, Deborah J. Kerwood, Bart C. De Jonghe*, Matthew R. Hayes, and Robert P. Doyle*, Creation of a Peptide Antagonist of the GFRAL–RET Receptor Complex for the Treatment of GDF15-Induced Malaise, Journal of Medicine Chemistry, 2023,
A Spear, O Orativskyi, S Tran, J Zubieta, RP Doyle, Rapid, green disulfide bond formation in water using the corrin dicyanocobinamide, Chem. Commun., 2023, 59, 9836-9839.
Reiner B, Crist RC, Borner T, Doyle RP, Hayes MR, DeJonghe BC. Single Nuclei RNA Sequencing of the Rat AP and NTS following GDF15 Treatment. Mol. Met. 2022, 56, 101422. doi: 10.1016/j.molmet.2021.101422.
Milliken BT, Elfers C, Chepurny OG, Chichura KS, Sweet IR, Borner T, Hayes MR, De Jonghe BC, Holz GG, Roth CL, Doyle RP. Design and Evaluation of Peptide Dual-Agonists of GLP-1 and NPY2 receptors for glucoregulation and weight loss with mitigated nausea and emesis. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2021; 64:1127-1138.
R Merkel, A Moreno, Y Zhang, R Herman, JB Nathan, S Zeb, Suditi Rahematpura, Kamryn Stecyk, Brandon T Milliken, Matthew R Hayes, Robert P Doyle, Heath D Schmidt. A novel approach to treating opioid use disorders: Dual agonists of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptors and neuropeptide Y2 receptors. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. 2021, 131, 1169-1179.
IC Tinsley, T Borner, MKL Swanson, OG Chepurny, SA Doebley, V Kamat, Ian R Sweet, George G Holz, Matthew R Hayes, Bart C De Jonghe, Robert P Doyle. Synthesis, Optimization, and Biological Evaluation of Corrinated Conjugates of the GLP-1R Agonist Exendin-4. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2021, 64 (6), 3479-3492.
T Borner, IC Tinsley, RP Doyle, MR Hayes, BC De Jonghe. Glucagon‐like peptide‐1 in diabetes care: Can glycaemic control be achieved without nausea and vomiting? British Journal of Pharmacology. 2022, 179 (4), 542-556.
Yafang Zhang, Suditi Rahematpura,, Kael H. Ragnini, Amanda Moreno, Kamryn S Stecyk, Michelle W. Kahng, Brandon T. Milliken, Matthew R. Hayes, Robert P. Doyle, Heath D. Schmidt. A Novel Dual Agonist of Glucagon-like Peptide-1 Receptors and Neuropeptide Y2 Receptors Attenuates Fentanyl Taking and Seeking in Male Rats. Neuropharmacology. 2021, 192, 108599.
Borner T, Workinger JL, Tinsley IC, Fortin SM, Stein LM, Chepurny OG, Holz GG, Wierzba AJ, Gryko D, Nexo. E, Shaulson ED, Bamezai A, Da Silva VAR, De Jonghe BC, Hayes MR, Doyle RP. Corrination of a GLP-1 Receptor Agonist for Glycemic Control without Emesis. Cell Rep. 2020 Jun 16;31(11):107768. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.107768. PMID: 32553160.
Borner T, Shaulson ED, Ghidewon MY, Barnett AB, Horn CC, Doyle RP, Grill HJ, Hayes MR, De Jonghe BC. GDF15 Induces Anorexia through Nausea and Emesis. Cell Met. 2020; 31(2), 4 351-362.
Borner T, Workinger JL, Tinsley IC, Fortin SM, Stein LM, Chepurny OG, Holz GG, Wierzba AJ, Gryko D, Nexo. E, Shaulson ED, Bamezai A, Da Silva VAR, De Jonghe BC, Hayes MR, Doyle RP. Corrination of a GLP-1 Receptor Agonist for Glycemic Control without Emesis. Cell Rep. 2020 Jun 16;31(11):107768. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.107768. PMID: 32553160.
Chepurny OG, Bonaccorso RL, Leech CA, Wöllert T, Langford GM, Schwede F, Roth CL, Doyle RP, Holz GG. Chimeric peptide EP45 as a dual agonist at GLP-1 and NPY2R receptors. Scientific Reports. 2018; 8(1):3749.
Mietlicki-Baase EG, Liberini CG, Workinger JL, Bonaccorso RL, Borner T, Reiner DJ, Koch-Laskowski K, McGrath LE, Lhamo R, Stein LM, De Jonghe BC, Holz GG, Roth CL, Doyle RP, Hayes MR. A vitamin B12 conjugate of exendin-4 improves glucose tolerance without associated nausea or hypophagia in rodents. Diabetes, obesity & metabolism, 2018, 20, 1223-1234.
See also:
(Jan. 11, 2024)
The professorship will enhance Doyle’s work in both the lab and classroom, where he and students are working to develop new drugs to treat diseases and syndromes including diabetes, obesity and cachexia.
(Nov. 15, 2023)
A&S chemist Robert Doyle will discuss his team’s cutting-edge treatment which offers steady weight loss without common, unwanted side-effects.
(March 29, 2023)
Professor Robert Doyle shared findings at the ACS spring meeting about a potential new drug which offers steady weight loss without common, unwanted side-effects.
(June 16, 2020)
New research on proposed diabetes drug is published in “Cell Reports.”
(Oct. 24, 2018)
Annual Meredith Symposium will celebrate work by women, first-generation undergraduates
(Feb. 8, 2018)
Meredith Professor Robert Doyle invents compound that improves glucose tolerance without associated nausea
(Oct. 30, 2017)
Daylong program features two alumni keynotes, eight student presentations
(June 22, 2017)
Syracuse alumna brings passion for science, patient care to fight against diabetes
(April 21, 2016)
Chemist Robert Doyle is new Meredith Professor of Teaching Excellence
(Feb. 10, 2016)
Robert Doyle, graduate students help lead research to possibly improve drugs for an often fatal disease.
(Dec. 10, 2015)
Syracuse researcher collaborates with biotech company to research new ways to deliver and/or protect drugs
(April 20, 2015)
Chemist Robert Doyle ‘mixes up the medicine’ to fight obesity