Christian D Santangelo

Christian D Santangelo
Professor and Director of Graduate Studies
229G Physics Building
Office: 315.443.9498
- 2004 Ph.D. in Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara
- 1997 B.A. in Physics, Cornell University
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The effective properties of many physical systems are determined by their geometry. This allows us to predict and, ultimately, design new materials by controlling shape.
- Extreme mechanics and nonlinear elasticity
- Liquid crystals
- Origami, folding, and mechanisms
- Designing mechanical metamaterials
Self-assembly and the formation of 3D structure
Soft condensed-matter theory
Materials geometry
- ME Lee-Trimble, JH Kang, RC Hayward, and C.D. Santangelo, “Robust folding of elastic origami,” Soft Matter 18, 6384 -6391 (2022).
- Manu Mannattil, J.M. Schwarz, and C.D. Santangelo, “Thermal fluctuations of singular bar-joint mechanisms,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 208005 (2022).
- Daria W. Atkinson, C.D. Santangelo, and Gregory M. Grason, “Mechanics of metric frustration in contorted filament bundles:From local symmetry to columnar elasticity,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 218002 (2021).
- P-W Lo, C.D. Santangelo, B.G. Chen, C. Jian, K. Roychowdhury, M.J. Lawler, “Topology in non-linear mechanical systems,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 076802 (2021).
- Nakul P. Bende, Arthur A. Evans, Sarah Innes-Gold, Luis A. Marin, Itai Cohen, Ryan C. Hayward, C.D. Santangelo, “Geometrically controlled snapping transitions in shells with curved creases,” Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 112, 11175–11180 (2015).
- J.L. Silverberg, A. Evans, L. McLeod, R.C. Hayward, C.D. Santangelo, T. Hull, and I. Cohen, “Using origami design principles to fold reprogrammable mechanical metamaterials,” Science 345, 647–650 (2014).
- J. Kim, J.A. Hanna, M. Byun, C.D. Santangelo, and R.C. Hayward, “Designing responsive buckled surfaces by halftone gel lithography,” Science 335, 1201-1205 (2012).
- 2019, Fellow of the American Physical Society
- 2016, Early career award, APS Division of soft matter
- 2009, CAREER award, National Science Foundation
- 2006, Glenn H. Brown Prize, International Liquid Crystal Society
(May 2, 2024)
Award given in memory of noted professor of English William Wasserstrom.