Marina Artuso

Marina Artuso
Distinguished Professor
323 Physics Building
Office: 315.443.2356
Women's and Gender Studies
- 2001 Ph.D. in Physics, Northwestern University
- 1978 Laurea in Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Study of heavy flavor production properties at LHC.
- Test of heavy quark effective theory and lattice QCD applied to heavy flavor decays.
- Search for new physics in B0s decays.
- Development of radiation hard detectors for high precision reconstruction of trajectories of charged subatomic particles.
Research Spotlight

The High Energy Group at SU is part of the LHCb experiment at CERN.
(April 18, 2024)
Artuso joins a prestigious list of Syracuse University researchers for advancing the field of science through her outstanding leadership as an experimental physicist.
(Jan. 30, 2024)
Marina Artuso receives a grant for the next step of ongoing work with Large Hadron Collider “b” upgrades at CERN Laboratory in Switzerland.
(June 16, 2023)
A&S physicists design technology used at international lab to discover new information about what the Universe is made of.
(Aug. 13, 2018)
High-Energy Physics Group using NSF grant award to support ongoing data analysis, construction of new tracking device
(Jan. 10, 2018)
PhD candidate in physics, Scott Ely, was recently awarded top honors for “Lightning Round” talk at the U.S. Large Hadron Collider Users Association Meeting.
(Oct. 16, 2017)
Syracuse's High-Energy Physics group is building, testing new detector for LHCb experiment in Geneva, Switzerland
(July 15, 2015)
Project is part of CERN upgrade in Switzerland
K. Akiba, M. Artuso, R. Badman, A. Borgia, R. Bates, F. Bayer, M. van Beuzekom, J. Buytaert et al. Nuc. Inst. M. 661, 31 (2012).
R. Aaij et al. (LHCb Collaboration), Phys. Lett. B698, 14-20 (2011).
M. Artuso, PoS VERTEX2008, 019 (2008).
J. Yelton et al. (CLEO Collaboration), Phys. Rev. D80, 052007 (2009).
M. Artuso, E. Barberio, S. Stone, PMC Phys. A3, 3 (2009).