Student Spotlight: Wilson Ho '14
Student Spotlight Series

Wilson Ho ’14, a senior in Syracuse University’s College of Arts and Sciences is a native of Taiwan, who also spent several years living in Canada. A dual major in International Relations and French, Ho says he’d love to work in a study abroad admissions office. An advocate of a liberal arts education, Ho’s list of extracurricular activities is extensive! From serving on The College’s Dean’s Team to being a member of Phi Delta Theta to snowboarding and playing pickup basketball, to say Ho likes to be active would be an understatement. We’re excited to feature Wilson this week in our special “Student Spotlight” series.
1. Where are you from?
I’m originally from Taiwan. I actually grew up in Taiwan but also spent four years living in Canada so I’m a dual citizen of Taiwan and Canada. This is my sixth year living in the United States.
2. Tell us a little bit about life before Syracuse University.
I used to attend boarding school in Connecticut. My life was very structured and there wasn’t much to do outside of my schoolwork. Attending boarding school really limits mobility and freedom.
3. Why did you choose Syracuse University?
I originally selected Syracuse University because of its hospitality administration program and the tremendous sense school spirit camaraderie. Though that program is no longer available, I am very glad I chose to stay at Syracuse University because of the variety of experiences in which I’ve been exposed.
4. What’s your favorite thing about attending Syracuse University?
My favorite thing about Syracuse University is how there is always so much opportunity for you to try different things such as extracurricular activities. Being exposed to a variety of activities has helped me learn a lot about myself.
5. What’s the best way to spend free time as a Syracuse University student?
There is a ton to do around here and it really depends on what time of year it is. When it’s snowing, I love to go snowboarding. My favorite mountain is only 20 minutes away and a lift ticket only costs 15 dollars. When it’s nicer out, I like go to go play basketball and meet up with different people. Like I said, there is so much to do!
6. In what extracurricular activities are you currently participating?
I’m pretty active and I wouldn’t have it any other way! I’m involved in the University Conduct Board, I’m a member of The College of Arts and Sciences’ Dean’s Team, I serve as a Syracuse University Abroad Global Ambassador, and I’m also a member of Phi Delta Theta.
7. What’s your major?
I’m a dual major in International Relations and French.
8. What do you hope to do after graduation?
That’s a good question and honestly, I don’t really know! I actually feel that with my liberal arts education, I can do a lot because it has given me the skills necessary to think critically and become a better-rounded person. I’m actually really interested in becoming an assistant directors of admissions for a study abroad program.
9. How is Syracuse University’s College of Arts and Sciences helping you to achieve your goals and aspirations?
The variety of people you meet at Syracuse University is just incredible. You never know what you are going to learn and gain from them. Whether they’re your friends from freshman year or people you meet along your way at work, class, or extracurricular activities, I’ve learned so much more outside of the classroom about myself and think those experiences will really help me achieve my goals.
10. What are some of the activities you like around CNY that aren’t Syracuse University affiliated?
I love snowboarding, and if I had a car, I would love to go out and explore the natural sites around Central. There are just too many places I want to visit!
Media Contact
Sarah Scalese