
Orange Alert


From molecules to minds: delve into the relationship between brain and behavior—from microscopic, molecular, and cellular processes to large scale cerebral systems.

Interdisciplinary Neuroscience at Syracuse University

The Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Program is a campus wide organization that brings together students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty across multiple colleges and academic units for the purposes of fostering neuroscience education and research to promote interdisciplinary training and interaction. Interdisciplinary neuroscience research spans departments in The College of Arts and Science, The David B. Falk College of Sports and Human Dynamics and The College of Engineering and Computer Science.

There are numerous disciplines involved in the program including:

  • Biology
  • Biomedical and Chemical Engineering
  • Communication Sciences and Disorders
  • Exercise Science
  • Psychology
  • Public Health, Food Studies and Nutrition

Our faculty

Neuroscience faculty research expertise is broad, as they investigate basic, pre-clinical, translational, and clinical questions to unravel the relationship between brain and behavior:

  • Molecular
  • Cellular
  • Developmental
  • Systems
  • Behavioral
  • Cognitive

There are multiple opportunities for undergraduate and graduate research. Departments gather annually for Neuroscience Day, featuring keynote lectures and undergraduate and graduate poster presentations. Awards are given to the top graduate and undergraduate presenters. The event highlights the range of neural science research, provides an environment to forge collaborations, fosters new research ideas and gives feedback on current projects.

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