M.A. and Ph.D. Student Resources
This page offers a snapshot of student life, achievements, and teaching responsibilities in our M.A. and Ph.D. Programs in English. It also brings together information about important professional and pedagogical resources for our graduate students.
Our M.A. and Ph.D. students are a close-knit community of emerging scholars from across the country and around the globe. Many are teaching, researching, and publishing in the areas of early modern literature, eighteenth- and nineteenth-century British literature, American studies, and film and screen studies. But they also have ties with other interdisciplinary departments and programs around the university, including African-American Studies, Jewish Studies, LGBT Studies, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Middle Eastern Studies, South Asian Studies, and Women’s and Gender Studies.
There is a very active graduate student organization, called the English Graduate Organization (EGO). EGO meets regularly to discuss and act upon graduate student interests, concerns, and department policy-making. Additionally, EGO manages and operates a monthly graduate reading series, which helps students transform their work from seminar papers to publishable or presentable scholarship. Through the support of the Dean's Professor for the Public Humanities, EGO also runs Broadly Textual Pub a web magazine for literature and social commentary for the broader public.
Teaching Assistantships
Teaching Assistants in the M.A. Program largely teach in Syracuse University’s Writing Program, while Ph.D. students’ assistantships are within the English Department. As a Teaching Assistant in the English Department at Syracuse, Ph.D. students have the opportunity to serve in a variety of ways under an experienced professor who can guide them, both pedagogically and professionally. Typically, in the first two years of a Teaching Assistantship, students run two 20-person discussion sections each semester of a larger lecture course taught by a professor. After students’ tenure as Teaching Assistants, they become Teaching Associates, at which point they are eligible to lead their own section of an entry-level (100-level) course in the department’s English and Textual Studies (ETS) curriculum, supervised by a Faculty Teaching Mentor as well as the department's Future Professoriate Project (FPP) assembly. Entry-level ETS courses are capped at 25 students, and are open to freshmen, sophomores, and juniors.

Our graduate students regularly win the Outstanding TA Award. In 2016, the Graduate School honored English Ph.D. candidate Staci Stutsman (front left) and M.A. student Matt Chacko (front right).
The TA Archive
The transition from assisting a lecture course as a “Teaching Assistant” to teaching one’s own course as a “Teaching Associate” entails a very real shift in responsibilities and labor. The resources in the TA Archive are meant to help students with this transition, covering all phases of teaching in the English and Textual Studies curriculum. It is designed to provide easily accessible practical advice, a clear delineation of regulations and policy, and sundry sample materials for the topics most relevant to TA’s. The archive is comprised of three major sections: Teaching, Professionalization, and Research. Each section is further subdivided, with both general information, and items specific to a TA’s precise teaching assignment. The archive has been designed, generated and maintained entirely by our graduate students, with the support of the English Department, the Future Professoriate Project, and the Graduate School.
Future Professoriate Project (FPP)
The Future Professoriate Project is a university-wide program that seeks to integrate additional preparation for teaching into the graduate experience to help advanced Ph.D. students successfully make the transition to becoming assistant professors. Typically in their third and fourth years, Ph.D. students become teaching associates in English and teach one lower division undergraduate course in English and Textual Studies a semester. These courses relate both to the ETS major and to the Ph.D. student’s area of interest and expertise. The students select a faculty mentor to work with, offer teaching seminars during the semester, meet to talk about professional issues, produce a teaching portfolio, and earn a Certificate in University Teaching. The teaching seminars are open to all interested students and faculty in the department. The project complements the work of the Graduate Committee, which offers an annual series of workshops on exams, prospectus writing, and publishing and which provides mock interviews and other assistance to student’s as they enter the job market.

Our recent Ph.D. graduate, Peter Katz, gives the address at the 2016 Certificate in University Teaching award ceremony.
Professional Development

Students listen and take notes at a mock conference sponsored by the English Graduate Organization.
The department offers an annual series of professional development workshops. These workshops assist students in preparing for Ph.D. examinations, giving conference papers, getting essays published, and preparing to write dissertations. For Ph.D. students going on the job market, we also offer mock interviews.
Graduate Career Services
Dan Olson-Bang, Associate Director of Graduate Career services, works with Master’s and PhD students in all degree programs and levels with a variety of job opportunities, both tenure-track and alt-ac (non-tenure-track). Through individual advising and counseling, in addition to 30+ workshops and panels per year, Dan helps students to hone their career goals. He takes a broad view of career: as a graduate student, you are already in the midst of your career. His presentations consequently cover topics like writing research papers and dissertations, applying to PhD programs, and obtaining internships, as well as workshops that look ahead to what’s next upon graduation. He offers a full Academic Job Market workshop (four sessions) every summer and conducts workshops on finding and applying for non-academic and altac positions of all types. He has invited nationally recognized speakers to campus to cover a broad range of perspectives, and he created the Syracuse University Doctoral Internship program in conjunction with the GSO this past summer (2016).
He can help English students in particular because of his own background: he received his BA from North Carolina State University, his MA from NYU, and his PhD from Fordham University, all in English Literature. A Joyce and Stein scholar, he’s a modernist at heart, but likes it all! Whether you know, think you know, or have no idea what you’d like to do, Dan wants to meet you! Email him at dolsonba@syr.edu.
English Graduate Colloquium
The department's annual colloquia series will offers graduate students a common intellectual experience and provides students and faculty with an informal setting for interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary exchange.
Library Resources
Special Collections Research Center
Graduate students regularly use the Special Collections Research Center (SCRC) at Bird Library, which houses an impressive collection of rare books, manuscripts, and other materials. In previous semesters, graduate seminars have held classes or special sessions in the SCRC.
English Subject Librarian
Humanities subject specialist librarian Patrick Williams supports the English Department through reference consultation, research instruction, and collection development in collaboration with faculty and students. He holds a B.A. in English from The University of North Carolina at Greensboro and an M.S. and Ph.D. in Information Studies from the School of Information at The University of Texas at Austin. He is interested in contemporary literature, digital humanities, and past, present, and future technologies of reading and writing. He is a participant in the NEH Office of Digital Humanities Early Modern Digital Agendas Institute at the Folger Shakespeare Library, and he is co-editor of dh+lib Review. His research and writing appears in the Journal of Academic Librarianship, Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science, The Critical Library Pedagogy Handbook (ACRL 2016), and elsewhere.
Central New York Humanities Corridor
The Central New York Humanities Corridor is a unique regional collaboration between Syracuse University, Cornell University, the University of Rochester, and the Schools of the New York Six Liberal Arts Consortium (including Colgate University and Hamilton College). Each year more than 3,500 faculty, students, and community members participate in upwards of 200 Corridor-sponsored activities. The Corridor stands as a pioneering interdisciplinary humanities consortium, spanning Central and Upstate New York in seven selected fields of shared scholarly strengths called Research Clusters:
- Philosophy;
- Linguistics;
- Visual Arts and Culture;
- Musicology and Music History;
- Digital Humanities;
- Literature, Language and Culture; and
- Archives and Media.
The Central New York Humanities Corridor sponsors Graduate Student Public Humanities Fellowships and offers support for students' intra-Corridtor travel to activities on other campuses.
Cornell School of Criticism and Theory Summer Session
The College of Arts & Sciences and the Department of English at Syracuse University will sponsor one graduate student to attend and participate in the summer session of the School of Criticism and Theory at Cornell University (from mid-June through July). In addition to the six-week course, there are several three-week courses that you will be eligible to participate in. Detailed application information and application forms are available on the SCT website. Visit our Financial Support page for details on our fellowship for SCT.
"SCT is the quintessential academic experience, challenging and rewarding on both the intellectual and social levels. The connections I made during the 2013 session will stay with me for the rest of my life, and my thinking has become profoundly more complex and nuanced as a result of my encounters with the faculty and my fellow participants." — T.J. West, Ph.D. student
"Having the opportunity to work closely with renowned faculty on the cutting edge of today's theoretical debates has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my graduate career at Syracuse. In addition, SCT also connected me with graduate students from a variety of disciplines around the world who continue to be a source of professional and personal support." — Melissa Welshans, Ph.D. student
Recent Participants
Maxwell Cassity (PhD), 2017
William Marple (MA), 2016
Adam Kozaczka (PhD), 2015
Amy Burnette (PhD), 2014
T.J. West (PhD), 2013
Auritro Majumder (PhD), 2012
Joseph Hughes (PhD), 2011
Melissa Welshans (PhD), 2010
Jessica Kuskey (PhD), 2009
CJ Dosch (PhD), 2008
Rinku Chatterjee (PhD), 2007
Handbooks: The Handbook for Graduate Student Employees provided by the Graduate School is available for university policies governing appointments, information on TA responsibilities and protections, as well as requirements for degree completion. For policies specifically governing the English Graduate Program, please refer to the English Graduate Student Handbook.
Inquiry-Specific Resources
Early Modern Studies
Folger Shakespeare Library
Syracuse University is a member of the Folger Institute Consortium, giving our students priority admission to Folger Scholarly Programs and making them eligible for grants-in-aid for travel and lodging funding. Popular programs include "Researching the Archive" (a yearlong dissertation seminar for Ph.D. candidates), "Orientation to Research Methods and Agendas" (a weeklong intensive skills course for students in the early years of graduate work), and "Introduction to English Paleography" (a weeklong skills course for students at any level). See the Scholarly Programs page for more information and the current program schedule.
From the first book printed in English by William Caxton, through the age of Spenser and Shakespeare and the tumult of the English Civil War, Early English Books Online (EEBO) contains over 125,000 titles listed in Pollard & Redgrave's Short-Title Catalogue (1475-1640), Wing's Short-Title Catalogue (1641-1700), and the Thomason Tracts (1640-1661). Among the thousands of titles featured in EEBO are works by Malory, Bacon, More, Erasmus, Boyle, Newton, Galileo; musical exercises by Henry Purcell and novels by Aphra Behn; prayer books, pamphlets, and proclamations; almanacs, calendars, and many other primary sources. Syracuse University is a partner library of the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership (EEBO-TCP), giving our students access to both Phase I and Phase II of the project.
Early Modern Special Collections
The Special Collections Research Center (SCRC) houses a number of holdings of interest to Early Modern scholars. Highlights include the Leopold von Ranke Manuscript Collection, Geneva and Vulgate Bibles, excerpts from the Second Folio and a complete Third Folio of Shakespeare's works, a 1609 copy of Spenser's The Fairie Queene, John Gerard's The Herball or Generall Historie of Plantes, John Bale's The First Two Partes of the Actes or Unchaste Examples of the Englyshe Votaryes, and many others books of interest to those studying Early Modern politics, religion, theater, poetry, science, gender, and more. The SCRC's antiquarian rare books and printed materials holdings can be browsed here.
Cornell-Syracuse Early Modern Group
Sponsored by the Central New York Humanities Corridor, the Cornell University-Syracuse University Early Modern Group has hosted events with leading Early Modern scholars, including Sharon Achinstein, David Norbook, and Margaret Ferguson, as well as workshops which include "…the book is swelled alreadie to a far bigger bulk then was intended," on the topic of digital scholarship in Early Modern English Studies with our subject librarian Patrick Williams who participated in the NEH's "Early Modern Digital Agendas" at the Folger Shakespeare Library. The group is co-coordinated by Crystal Bartolovich (Syracuse) and Rayna Kalas (Cornell).
Syracuse University Medieval/Renaissance Group
Syracuse University faculty and graduate students gather each semester for lectures and seminars led by medieval- and renaissance-studies scholars from across the university as well as by visiting scholars. They also maintain a listserv sharing information about other regional opportunities — including conferences, seminars, and exhibits — for Med/Ren scholars. To request addition to the listserv, email MEDRENGROUP-request@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU.
Early Modern Reading Group
Graduate students interested in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century English literature can join the Early Modern Reading Group, which meets during the fall and spring semesters to read and discuss primary and critical texts selected by the group. These discussions help M.A. and Ph.D. students collectively learn about the contexts that Early Modern writers worked in and the conversations that current scholarship engages in. Previously, students have also discussed their own ongoing Early Modern research and workshopped works-in-progress.
Pre-1900 American Studies
Early American Imprints: Evans (1639-1800) and Shaw-Shoemaker (1801-1819)
An essential resource for any early Americanist, the Early American Imprints databases, available through the Syracuse University Library, provide searchable digitized images of works printed in America through 1819. Because many works by American writers in the colonial period were published in England, access to EEBO (Early English Books Online) is also a useful resource.
Abolition/Underground Railroad
An important center of abolitionist activity in the nineteenth century, Syracuse and surrounding areas offer many resources for those wishing to study the history of resistance to slavery. On campus, check out the holdings of Syracuse University Library’s Special Collections Research Center related to activism and social reform. Visit the many local sites connected to abolitionist activities and the Underground Railroad. Or visit nearby regional sites such as the Harriet Tubman Home or the National Abolition Hall of Fame and Museum.
Women’s Rights
Upstate New York in the nineteenth century was the epicenter of women’s rights activism. Those interested in studying the history of women’s rights can consult the on-campus resources found in Syracuse University Library’s Special Collections Research Center holdings related to activism and social reform. Locally, they can visit the home of women’s rights activist Matilda Joslyn Gage. Or slightly farther afield, they can visit the site of the historic 1848 women’s rights convention in Seneca Falls, NY.
Native American/Haudenosaunee History
Syracuse University is located on the traditional territory of the Onondaga, one of the Six Nations of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Confederacy. On-campus resources for the study of Native American history include the Native American Studies program. The local Skä•noñh (Great Law of Peace) Center provides education and programming related to Haudenosaunee history, culture and environmental activism.
Religious Ferment/Utopian Communities
Dubbed the “Burned-Over District,” upstate New York in the nineteenth century was a hotbed of religious ferment. This history can be studied on campus through the holdings of the Syracuse University Library’s Special Collections Research Center related to religious and utopian communities. Nearby resources include the Oneida Community Mansion House, the home of the religious commune founded by John Humphrey Noyes in 1848, and sites in Palmyra, NY, the birthplace of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons).
Erie Canal/Labor History
The Erie Canal revolutionized the U.S. economy and infrastructure, and significantly impacted labor relations and migration/immigration patterns. On campus, the history of the Erie Canal is documented in the Syracuse University Library’s Special Collections Research Center holdings on New York State history. Locally, the Canal and its social impact can be studied at the Erie Canal Museum.
Nineteenth-Century British Studies
Nineteenth-Century Studies Working Group
As founders of the Nineteenth-Century Studies Working Group (Central New York Humanities Corridor, LLC6), nineteenth-century scholars in our Department of English invite speakers and give students opportunities annually to present work with peers from other member institutions, including Cornell and Rochester.
- Eighteenth-Century Collections Online (ECCO): The largest and most comprehensive online historical archive of its kind and an essential resource for advanced study of the eighteenth century, this collection contains every significant English-language and foreign-language title printed in the United Kingdom, along with thousands of important works from the Americas, between the years 1701 and 1800.
- Nineteenth-Century Collections Online (NCCO): Nineteenth Century Collections Online is a multi-year global digitization and publishing program focusing on primary source collections of the long nineteenth century. The program includes a variety of content types — monographs, newspapers, pamphlets, manuscripts, ephemera, maps, photographs, statistics, and other kinds of documents in both Western and non-Western languages. NCCO includes collections from across the globe, richly representing content from Africa, Europe, Australia, Asia, Latin America, Middle East, and North America.
- British Periodicals Index (BPI): This database provides access to the searchable full text of hundreds of periodicals from the late seventeenth century to the early twentieth, comprising millions of high-resolution facsimile page images. Topics covered include literature, philosophy, history, science, the social sciences, music, art, drama, archaeology and architecture.
- Victorian Studies Research Guide: This is a dedicated website of resources related to nineteenth-century British Studies available through Syracuse University Libraries.
The Long Nineteenth Century Reading Group
Graduate students and faculty interested in nineteenth-century British Studies can join the Long Nineteenth-Century Reading Group, which meets bi-monthly during the spring and fall semesters for lively discussions outside the classroom. The group is designed to give Ph.D. and M.A. students greater exposure to the period's central ideas, debates, issues, traditions, and evolving perspectives. In recent years, it occasionally has included presentations by graduate students of works-in-progress, as well as a day-long graduate student conference at the end of the spring semester. If interested, contact Dr. Coran Klaver (ccklaver@syr.edu) and Dr. Kevin Morrison (kmorri05@syr.edu).
U.S. Modernisms Special Collections
The Special Collections Research Center houses a number of holdings of interest to scholars of modernism. Highlights include the Radicalism in the Arts collection, including the library of Earl Browder, former chairman of the Communist Party of the Unites States of America; the papers of cartoonist William Gropper; industrial designer Egmont Arens; and chronicler of Black history Arna Wendell Bontemps. The SCRC also holds an extensive collection of printed materials related to the counterculture and the "mimeo revolution" as well as Depression-era fiction and children's books. In addition, the SCRC is home to a comprehensive Grove Press collection, featuring not only books but also manuscripts and galleys, correspondence, and publicity materials related to the press.
Syracuse University Art Galleries (SUArt)
The SUArt Galleries collection is composed of a diverse, encyclopedic group of fine art and ethnographic objects by international makers and represents styles and time periods from pre-history to the present. The collection’s current focus is centered on twentieth century American art, especially print media and works on paper, and features a collection of modernist prints.
The Everson Museum of Art
The permanent collection of the Everson (located in downtown Syracuse) primarily focuses on American modern and contemporary art and encompasses approximately 11,000 works, including paintings, ceramics, sculpture, videos, photographs, works on paper, and decorative arts.
Regional Resources
The Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Institute (Utica) houses a distinguished collection of paintings and sculptures that were created by pioneers of major 20th-century artistic movements, such as Cubism, Futurism, and Surrealism, including both American and European art. Among the featured artists are Charles Demuth, Salvador Dalí, Edward Hopper, Wassily Kandinsky, and Pablo Picasso.
Film and New Media

Syracuse University Human Rights Film Festival
The annual Human Rights Film Festival at Syracuse University presents an outstanding line-up of award-winning films addressing social justice issues around the globe.
Syracuse University Special Collections
The Special Collections Research Center at Bird Library has a wealth of related resources available to students. Check out their holdings in Cartoons and Cartoonists, Broadcasting History, Recorded Sound and Music, and Pulp Literature and Science Fiction.
Regional Resources
- George Eastman Museum Moving Image Collection (Rochester): features collections of films from the silent era; the largest corpus of original Technicolor negatives; the personal collections of major film directors; the Moving Image Stills, Posters, and Paper Collection; a collection of rare or unique 35mm prints on nitrate stock; and screenings from the collections at the Dryden Theatre, including the annual Nitrate Picture Show.
- The Strong National Museum of Play (Rochester): holds the world’s largest and most comprehensive collection of toys, dolls, board games, video games, other electronic games, and other artifacts of play. Its 187,000-volume Brian Sutton-Smith Library and Archives of Play is a multidisciplinary research repository of primary and secondary sources, including scholarly works, professional journals, other periodicals, trade catalogs, children’s books, comic books, manuscripts, personal papers, business records, and more.
- Visual Studies Workshop (Rochester): VSW's exhibits and programs support the work of scholars in visual and new media. Their Research Center maintains archival and research collections about the media arts of photography, independent film and video, electronic imaging, visual books and the publication arts.
- The Robert Flaherty Film Seminar (Hamilton): the annual weeklong Flaherty Seminar brings together over 160 filmmakers, artists, curators, scholars, students, and film enthusiasts to celebrate the power of the moving image.
- Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art at Cornell University (Ithaca): serves as a research repository of new media art and resources. The curatorial vision emphasizes digital interfaces and artistic experimentation by international, independent artists.
Resources in New York City
- Anthology Film Archives: an international center for the preservation, study, and exhibition of film and video, with a particular focus on independent, experimental, and avant-garde cinema.
- Museum of Modern Art, Film Study Center: MoMA’s Department of Film holds significant primary sources on film-related figures and topics. These may be accessed by appointment at the Film Study Center.
- Museum of the Moving Image: advances the understanding, enjoyment, and appreciation of the art, history, technique, and technology of film, television, and digital media by presenting exhibitions, education programs, significant moving-image works, and interpretive programs, and collecting and preserving moving-image related artifacts.
- New York Public Library for the Performing Arts: features the Theatre on Film and Tape Archive and the Reserve Film and Video Collection.
- The Paley Center for Media: offers exhibits and a permanent media collection containing over 160,000 television and radio programs and advertisements.
Film and Screen Studies Discussion Group
Graduate students studying film or new media for their major field or a special interest can participate in this group, which meets monthly throughout the year to discuss primary and secondary film and screen studies texts. The group was formed with the purpose of fostering a sense of intellectual community amongst the persons working in film and screen studies. The group also has an informal email list for posting announcements, forwarding information about upcoming conferences and calls for papers, and for beginning some conversation before each month's meeting. If interested, contact syracusefilmstudies@googlegroups.com or go to the Syracuse Film Studies website.
Game Studies Reading Group
Graduate students and instructors from many different departments gather once or twice a month to engage with game-texts. Current members are interested in the design of games (both analog and digital), marketing, play dynamics, embodiment, virtual reality, aesthetics, psychology, philosophy, the economics of the gaming industry, narrative aspects of games, gender representations in games, and the "gamification" of reality through fitness and productivity apps; if you can find an angle in your studies into the world of games and gaming, you are welcome to come and explore your interests with the group. We have a loose affiliation with the Digital Collaboration Space (DCS) (see the item under "Digital Humanities" below), which we utilize as a space in which to design and play-test new games, as well as engage with already existing games, both digital and analog. If interested, contact Max Cassity (mccassit@syr.edu).
Digital Humanities

HASTAC Fellowship
HASTAC (the Humanities, Arts, Sciences, and Technology Advanced Collaboratory) is "an interdisciplinary community of humanists, artists, social scientists, scientists, and technologists that are changing the way we teach and learn" and "is reputed to be the world's first and oldest academic social network” (a claim, surely only true for narrow definitions of "social network"). More practically, it is an opportunity to make connections and explore aspects of new media/digital humanities and related fields.
For the past few years, the Syracuse Department of English has supported two "HASTAC Scholars." HASTAC Scholars are awarded a modest fellowship for the year ($300), and are mentored by someone within the department. Additional details are available at the HASTAC Scholars webpage. Scholars are required to participate in the HASTAC Scholars online forum and to work with a mentor to explore opportunities in new media studies, digital humanities, online pedagogy, and related fields. Applications are solicited in March. All graduate students in English are eligible to apply. Previously selected scholars are invited to apply again.
Digital Scholarship Space (DSS)
The Digital Scholarship Space (Bird Library 458) offers students and faculty a central, configurable classroom for the development and study of video games. For information about the origin of the DSS, read this HASTAC Scholar blog post from our PhD candidate Jordan Wood.
THATCamp stands for "The Humanities and Technology Camp." It is an "unconference": a collaborative and informal meeting where humanists and technologists of all skill levels learn and build together. There are no lengthy papers or presentations; instead participants propose and then facilitate workshop-style sessions. Previous Central New York THATCamps have been held in April in 2014 and 2016 at Syracuse Univeristy and Cornell University.
Digital (Humanities/Arts/Sciences) Scholars Group
The Digital (Humanities/Arts/Sciences) Scholars Group is an an interdisciplinary group of graduate students from across the university who are interested in sharing tools, research, pedagogy, methods, and projects of digital scholarship. They have a Facebook group, a listserv, and meetings accessible via WebConnect.
Game Studies Reading Group
Graduate students and instructors from many different departments gather once or twice a month to engage with game-texts. Current members are interested in the design of games (both analog and digital), marketing, play dynamics, embodiment, virtual reality, aesthetics, psychology, philosophy, the economics of the gaming industry, narrative aspects of games, gender representations in games, and the "gamification" of reality through fitness and productivity apps; if you can find an angle in your studies into the world of games and gaming, you are welcome to come and explore your interests with the group. We have a loose affiliation with the Digital Collaboration Space (DCS) (see the item under "Digital Humanities" below), which we utilize as a space in which to design and play-test new games, as well as engage with already existing games, both digital and analog. If interested, contact Max Cassity (mccassit@syr.edu).
Gender and Sexuality
Certificate of Advanced Studies in Women's and Gender Studies (C.A.S.)
A number of our students have completed a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Women's and Gender Studies (C.A.S.) during the course of their studies. Information about the certificate is available on the Syracuse University Women's and Gender Studies website.
LGBT Studies Faculty
Syracuse has a stellar community of faculty working in LGBT and queer studies, both inside and outside the Department of English. View the full listing of faculty.
Syracuse University Libraries maintains dedicated websites of resources — including books, journals, and databases — related to Women's and Gender Studies, LGBT Studies, and Feminism.