Orange Alert

Minor in Biology

General Information

Biology is a dynamic, interesting and important field of study. Students and faculty in our department are interested in the study of life from molecular, cellular, organismal, community and global perspectives. Our undergraduate programs in biology provide excellent preparation for graduate or professional school programs and for careers in industry and governmental agencies. Students are also well prepared for medical, dental, or veterinary schools, or to enter the many specialized graduate programs in the biological sciences.

Our faculty and staff are dedicated to offering a strong and exciting undergraduate curriculum that offers both B.S. and B.A. degrees as well as a minor in Biology. In addition to coursework, several opportunities exist for students to gain research experience by working in the labs of our faculty and by participating in our annual Undergraduate Research Conference. Interested students may also join the undergraduate student-run life sciences interest group, TriBeta @ SU/ESF.

Biology Degree Programs

Minor in Biology

Designed for students who wish to augment other majors such as psychology, engineering, chemistry, or illustration with a biological component.