Graduate Overview

Orange Alert

Graduate Study in Biology Overview

Ph.D. in Biology

The Department of Biology is committed to research-oriented graduate training of the highest quality. A wide variety of disciplines are offered within the areas of biochemistry, developmental biology, genetics, molecular and cellular biology, neuroscience, ecosystem ecology, behavioral ecology, and evolution. Many students pursue research questions that span two or more of these traditional subdisciplines. Each student's program is individually structured to provide the maximum flexibility in the choice of coursework consistent with high quality graduate scholarship. The biology department offers both a Ph.D. in Biology and an M.S. in Biology.

Program graduates are encouraged to pursue a variety of career paths after obtaining their degrees.  Our recent graduates have found employment in universities and colleges as postdoctoral researchers, employment in industry, in medical settings, and in environmental education, among other fields. Our graduate students have access to a variety of resources and professional development programming, including through WiSE, the BioInspired Institute and many more.

M.S. in Biotechnology

The M.S. in Biotechnology program at Syracuse University provides students with highly flexible, customizable options and rigorous, advanced scientific training and education. It is extremely interdisciplinary in nature, weaving together biological and engineering science research with principles and practices of business management. The College of Arts and Sciences and the Whitman School have a new dual degree program combining our M.S. in Biotechnology with a master of business administration. You can find more information about the program here."

Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Concentration (Ph.D.)

Students are admitted to the Biology graduate program, and they then complete interdisciplinary neuroscience coursework. Your Ph.D. will be awarded from the Biology department with the "Neuroscience Concentration" listed as an area of specialization on your degree. Learn more about the interdisciplinary neuroscience graduate program.


Fully funded Graduate research fellowships to support interdisciplinary research work in the second year of the graduate program, with opportunities such as:

  • Learn about cutting-edge topics in team-based interdisciplinary courses including Emergent Intelligence in Biological and Bio-Inspired Systems, STEM Entreprenuership, and BioInspired Communication and Ethics
  • Join an active cohort of interdisciplinary students across SU and Upstate University campuses who are interested in team-based science for work and social activities
  • Work with a primary mentor in your department and a team of co-mentors in other departments to learn new skills
  • Apply for program-dedicated seed funding for graduate-student led projects and conference participation
  • Participate in an internship track for students interested in entrepreneurship and industry positions
  • Engage in a highly assessed professional development program with micro-credentialing for key transferrable skill sets