Psychology Professor Discusses Happiness on Cycle of Health

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Psychology Professor Discusses Happiness on Cycle of Health

Jeewon Oh on Cycle of Health show.

Posted on: Aug. 18, 2023

Jeewon Oh, assistant professor of psychology, was a guest on PBS's Cycle of Health. The topic of discussion for the episode was "how to be happier." Oh, whose research specializes in how people find health and happiness both inside and out of close relationships, talked about factors that contribute to positive emotions.

"Often times people are feeling a sense of purpose through the activities that they do...If I'm feeling a sense of purpose when I'm teaching, I'll probably be happy and feel positive emotions," Oh said. Later in the episode, she touched on how relationships connect to happiness. "Reaching out to people around me, whether that's family members or friends and saying, 'hey, this happened,' and then people join in; that might help me amplify that joy I'm feeling as well as dampen some of the negative thoughts I might have as well."

Watch the full Cycle of Health episode.