Forensics Professor Quoted by BBC and Reader's Digest

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Forensics Professor Quoted by BBC and Reader's Digest

Michael Marciano portrait.

Posted on: Aug. 28, 2023

Michael Marciano, research associate professor and director for research in the Forensic and National Security Sciences Institute, was quoted in a BBC article titled, "Hawaii wildfires: Why identifying the victims could take years." Fueled by a mix of drought conditions and high winds, the Hawaii wildfires of August 2023 killed over 100 people. The article highlighted some of the challenges associated with finding and identifying victims.

In an article published in Reader's Digest titled, "Reunited: How DNA testing is bringing families together," Marciano talked about how advances in DNA analysis are allowing forensic examiners to identify people with less DNA evidence than ever before. The piece focused on the role of DNA testing in helping people locate missing family members.