Elisabeth Genter, an M.A. student in art history, has accepted admission into the Visual and Cultural Studies Program at the University of Rochester, where she will work toward a doctoral degree in art history beginning this fall. According to Elisabeth, her research interests are in “Early Modern Dutch, German, and American painting, decorative, and folk art, and women and gender in art.” During her time in the Department of Art & Music Histories, she has gained a firm foundation in viewing and analyzing art from a variety of perspectives, and she now looks forward to building on what she has learned as she pursues a Ph.D.

What attracted Elisabeth to the University of Rochester’s program is the opportunity to draw from a broad network of experts in interdisciplinary fields. According to Elisabeth, “I chose to apply to the University of Rochester’s Visual and Cultural Studies program because I am especially interested in Early Modern visual culture and studying art theory as it relates to sixteenth- and seventeenth-century art. I will work most closely with Professor Christopher Heuer, who specializes in Early Modern visual culture. The work I’ve done at S.U., especially the foundational knowledge I have of Dutch art thanks to Professor Wayne Franits, has been extremely valuable and will provide a basic framework for the continuation of my studies at U. of R.” She plans to take art theory classes, as well as courses in the history of film and photography. She has also been offered a Teaching Assistantship, which will support her studies as well as allow her to share her own knowledge with undergraduate students.
The Department of Art & Music Histories extends the very best of wishes to Elisabeth for continued success in her academic pursuits.