Deborah Lee Trupin, textile and upholstery conservator, will give the lecture “A Tale of Two Flags: How History of Treatment and Ownership Affected Conservation Treatment of Two Early Nineteenth-Century American Flags” on Thursday, April 11, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. in the Peter Graham Scholarly Commons, 114 Bird Library.
Her presentation will be preceded by an interactive workshop, “Textile Identification, Inspection, and Recommendations for Proper Housing and Treatment,” from 9 a.m. to noon in the Lemke Seminar Room of the Special Collections Research Center on the sixth floor of Bird Library.
The lecture and workshop are open to the public; however, limited space is available for the workshop; those who are interested in attending the workshop are asked to R.S.V.P. to jschambe@syr.edu.
For more details about the Deborah Lee Trupin lecture, click here.