Isaac Messina, B.A. Art History (with a minor in Chemistry), 2014 and M.A. Art History (Florence Program), 2016, hopes to pursue a career in art conservation. This past academic year, he worked under the guidance of Elizabeth Wicks, also an alum of our Florence master’s program in art history, on site, in the Church of Santa Lucia sul Prato in Florence where Angelo La Naia painted the fresco of the Baptism of Christ in 1952. Isaac will be interning this summer at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in Washington D.C., where he will work on the annual maintenance and conservation of the Hirshhorn’s outdoor sculpture collection. He will be joining a small team of interns to treat over sixty sculptures in a variety of mediums, including the bronze Burghers of Calais by Auguste Rodin and David Smith's stainless steel Cubi XII. In September, Isaac will move to Williamstown, M.A. where he will begin interning at the Williamstown Art Conservation Center (WACC), a regional conservation facility that treats objects from cultural institutions and private clients throughout New England and the Northeast. He will be working more specifically in the Painting Department under its director, Thomas Branchick. Congratulations to Isaac!